Manage your business calendar from Trainingym Manager

Organize and validate activities, tasks, services, and appointments with your clients.

Managing and controlling the task calendar can sometimes be challenging for the technical coordination of a fitness business. However, with Trainingym Manager, we have the Calendar menu that allows us to schedule, consult, edit, validate, and delete events (activities, services, and tasks) for your staff.

In this article, we will explore:

🎯 Automating many of the tasks that your staff performs daily, enhancing the experience of your clients.

🎯 Effectively organizing each of the events in your fitness business so that your clients can book appointments with your staff based on their availability.

🎯 Obtaining reports on your staff's performance and monitoring their productivity.

🎯 Based on the above, measuring such actions to make the best decisions accordingly.

How has Trainingym helped your fitness business enhance the productive performance of your staff and the experience of your clients?


"In terms of managing staff administration, Trainingym has also helped us to see the outcomes [that our employees are achieving]; how much time they are occupied, what their performance is like, and what the level of satisfaction is for the users who go and use that service."

Armando Zamora
Director Deportivo Club Alpha


What are we going to see in this tutorial?

  1. What are we going to see in this tutorial?

    1. Access to the Calendar

    2. Your Staff's Calendar



Our first step is to access your staff's calendar in Trainingym Manager. To do this:

1. Log in to Trainingym Manager with the appropriate access credentials [username and password].

2. Search for and click on Employees [panel].

3. Click on Calendar [menu].

Location of the Calendar in Trainingym Manager

🛠️ If the Calendar menu [found in Trainingym Manager > Employees > Calendar] is missing, you should request your administrator to enable the corresponding Calendar permission [selector] [located in Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions (menu) > Selection of permission type > Employees (section) > Calendar].

Calendar permission [selector] activated, enabling access to the Calendar menu [from the Employees panel]

💡 We can also access the calendar immediately by simply clicking on the calendar button [located in the upper right corner of the Trainingym Manager screen, next to your profile icon (button)].

Direct access to the calendar


From the Calendar menu, we can quickly manage all the events of your fitness business and your staff associated with them. In this context, we can:

      • Observe the productive performance of your staff.
      • Consult and validate all daily tasks and appointments of your staff, as well as the services and activities offered.
      • Schedule new tasks and appointments for your staff with your clients, thereby facilitating their tracking.
      • Book sessions for your clients in the services that your business offers, providing them with a unique experience. 

    General overview of the Calendar screen for your fitness business

    ⚬ Detail of the Sections and Data of the Calendar for Your Fitness Business

    Let's move on to each of the sections that make up the calendar, and the data corresponding to each of them.

    i. Section on your staff's performance over the last 30 days:

    In this section, we find relevant indicators of your staff's performance, which help monitor their productivity based on the events (activities, tasks, and services) validated over the last 30 days.

    Display of the Performance Section for Your Staff

    ⚠️ By default, the Performance section of your staff appears collapsed. To display its content, simply click on Expand 🔽 [button].

    Vista de la sección Rendimiento de tu staff contraída

    Let's proceed with the details of each performance chart for your staff:

    Validated Events / Total Events: Displays the number of events combined [whether activities, tasks, and/or services] that have been validated, compared to the total assigned events.

    Validated Activities / Total Activities: Shows the number of activities that have been validated, compared to the total number of assigned activities.

    Validated Tasks without Partner / Total Tasks: Presents the number of tasks without a partner that have been validated, compared to the total number of tasks assigned.

    Validated Tasks with Partner / Total Tasks: Shows the number of tasks with a partner that have been validated, compared to the total number of tasks assigned.

    Validated Services / Total Services: Displays the number of services that have been validated, compared to the total number of services assigned.


    💡 Just as the numbers [in bold] in each chart refer to the quantity of validated events relative to the total events, the percentage figures indicate what proportion of the respective events have been validated in relation to their corresponding total.

    Display of the detail of the performance indicators [of your staff] according to the corresponding events.

    ⚠️ The data for the performance indicators of your business staff is automatically updated every 24 hours.

    ii. Calendar Configuration Section of Your Business

    From this section, we can manage all the events on the calendar of your fitness business.

    General overview of the configuration section of the calendar for your fitness business

    Let's delve into the details of each field in your business's calendar:

    ▹ [Button] Filter: Activates the following fields [from dropdown list] for segmentation filters of the staff events in your fitness business (we will see this in detail in the next subsection on Segment-based Event Filtering -from the next section on Calendar Event Management, within this same Calendar of Your Staff section).

    Filter Button

    ▹ [Search Bar] Search among my tasks, activities, or services: Allows for filtering the events of your business by the name of these events (we will see this in detail in the next subsection on Search Events by Name -from the next section on Calendar Event Management, within this same Calendar of Your Staff section).

    Search Bar for [searching among] My Tasks, Activities, or Services

    ▹ [Button] Schedule Task: Allows us to schedule a new task (we will see this in detail in the next subsection on Schedule a Task -from the next section on Calendar Event Management, within this same Calendar of Your Staff section).

    Schedule Task Button

    ▹ [Button] Schedule Service Allows us to schedule a new service (we will see this in detail in the next subsection on Schedule a Service -from the next section on Calendar Event Management, within this same Calendar of Your Staff section).

    Schedule Service Button

    ▹ [Section] Event Calendar:

    ▿ [View by Day Button]: Displays the events of a particular day.

    [View by] Day Button

    ▿ [View by Week Button]: Displays the events for a week, always starting from the Monday of the selected week. By default, this button appears (pre)selected.

    [View by] Week Button

    ▿ [Button] ••• [the 3 dots]: Activates a list with the following additional actions:

    ◈ **[Button] Download in EXCEL**: Compiles and downloads the list of events displayed on the calendar into a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file, according to the previously selected settings and the resulting events displayed on screen.Button of ••• [the 3 dots] and its sub-option Download in EXCEL

    ⚠️ If we are applying any type of filtering [by segmentation, name, and/or by day/week], only the data corresponding to the selected configuration will be compiled and downloaded.

    Example: If we are filtering by services [Event field] that are validated [Status field] and we have the [view by] Day button active [instead of Week], only the data for the displayed day will be compiled and downloaded, specifically indicating whether the employees of your business have validated services for that day or not.

    ▿ Informative text of week/day: Indicates the week/day that is being displayed from the event list of your business.

    Informative text of the week/day that is being displayed

    ▿ **[Button of the] 📅 [Dropdown Calendar]**: [When clicked] it displays a calendar view allowing you to select the date that suits your needs.

    Dropdown Calendar Button 📅

    💡 By default, the dropdown calendar button 📅 displays the current month, highlighting today's date with a red box.

    ▿ [Back Button] ◀️ [go to the previous week/day]: Allows us to move to the week, day, or month preceding the week, day, or month currently displayed on the screen.

    Back Button ◀️ [go to the previous week/day]

    ▿ [Forward Button] ▶️ [go to the next week/day]: Allows us to move to the week, day, or month following the week or day currently displayed on the screen.

    Forward Button ▶️ [go to the next week/day]

    💡 Moving to previous and subsequent days/weeks [using the respective buttons ◀️ and ▶️] retains any filtering actions that have been previously selected.


    ▿ Event Listing: Consistently displays on the screen all events [activities, tasks, and/or services] of your fitness business, according to the previously selected settings [filtered by segmentation, name, and/or by day/week]. In this regard, the events:

    ◈ are listed:

    1. by day of the week [vertically, from top to bottom, from Monday to Sunday],

    2. by employee [alphabetically (A-Z) and also vertically from top to bottom],


    💡 By positioning the mouse pointer over the profile picture of one of your employees present in the calendar, we can view the name of that employee.

    3. by schedule [now horizontally, from left to right and from earliest to latest], according to the schedule established for your business.

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

                  👉 how to set the schedules for your fitness business 🚀

    4. by type of event [again vertically and alphabetically (A-Z) whether they are activities, tasks, and/or services].

    5. by the name of the event [also vertically and alphabetically (A-Z)].

    6. by order of event creation [vertically, from oldest to most recent].

    💡 Particularly, the tasks of the same employee, once validated, change their order of presentation to be arranged after all other events of that employee; according to [1st] the schedule and [2nd] the order in which they have been validated.

    ⚠️ If a task is validated before or after the scheduled start time, the task will appear [after its validation] as if it had actually started at that earlier or later time at which it was validated.

    ◈ are displayed:

    ▸ with their name in gray.

    ▸ with a ✅ if they are validated.

    ▸ with their color [chosen in their corresponding properties] in a horizontal strip at the bottom. In this sense:

    ▾ if it is an activity, from the list of activities of your fitness business [Trainingym Manager > Activities > Edit > List of Activities > Search and select the chosen activity].

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

                   👉 how to configure the activities of your fitness business 🚀

    ▾ if it is a task or a service, from the corresponding tab [Tasks or Services] of the category to which it belongs [Trainingym Manager > Employees > Categories > List of Categories > Search and select the corresponding category > click on the corresponding tab (Tasks or Services) > Search and select the corresponding task].

    ▾ with a validation checkbox [in its corresponding upper right corner] to proceed with its deletion [individually or multiple along with other events simultaneously].

    ▿ [Hyperlink to] Use old calendar view: Allows access to the old view that the Calendar had.

    Hyperlink to Use Old Calendar View

    💡 In each row corresponding to each employee of your business, the work schedule [or time slots] programmed for each employee appears [in the background and in dark gray; underneath the events (activities, tasks, and/or services)].

    Display of your staff's time slots

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:
                   👉  how to schedule the work hours of your fitness business staff 🚀

    ⚬ Calendar Event Management

    Let's move on to how we can manage the calendar events of your fitness business:


     i. Filter/Search events

    We can filter the list of calendar events for your business in the following ways:

    ▪ By applying a segmentation filter [according to various fields corresponding to the events in your business calendar].

    ▪ By searching for events by their name (we will explore this in detail in the next subsection, Search Events by Name, within this same section on Calendar Event Management).

    Buttons to filter and search the events of your business

    ▪ Apply segmentation filters

    When we click on the Filter button, a list of different filter fields is displayed, allowing us to segment the events in the calendar of your fitness business.

    Display of the filtering fields and the Reset button

    The segmentation filters we can use are as follows:

    Employee: Allows filtering events in your calendar based on the selected employees they are assigned to.

    💡 The Employee field filter allows you to simultaneously filter events corresponding to multiple employees at once.

    🔖Below, we can find more information about:
                   👉 how to register your employees 🚀

    Category: Allows you to search for events in your calendar that correspond to the selected categories.

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:              

    👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    Event: Allows filtering events in your calendar by the type of event they are [Activities, Tasks, and/or Services].

    💡 The Event field filter allows you to simultaneously filter events corresponding to multiple types of events at once.

    Status: Allows searching for events in your calendar based on their current status [Pending, Validated, and/or Canceled].

    Activity: Allows filtering events in your calendar by their corresponding names with which they were created.

    Task: Allows searching for events in your calendar by their corresponding names with which the tasks were created in their respective categories.

    Service: Allows filtering events in your calendar by their corresponding names with which the services were created in their respective categories.


    ⚠️ Currently, the respective dropdown lists for the Activity, Task, and Service filter fields are case-sensitive and allow filtering their respective events [activities, tasks, and/or services] one at a time only. Therefore, if events have been added with the name "Zumba" and others with the name "ZUMBA," only the events that exactly match [in uppercase and/or lowercase] the selected events will be displayed.

    ❖ ℹ️ Apply a segmentation filter

    To apply a segmentation filter, simply:

    1. Click on the Filter [button].

    2. Click on the dropdown list of the filter by which you want to filter and display the events in the calendar of your fitness business, so that its corresponding list of options is displayed [for example, the Category filter dropdown].

    3. Select the desired filter values.

    4. [If it is our intention] repeat from step 2 for the other filter dropdowns by which you also want to filter and display the events in the calendar of your fitness business [for example, the Event and Status filter dropdowns].

    5. Verify that the desired events now appear in the calendar.


    Starting the process of filtering the event list

    We select the field by which we want to filter and list the events in the calendar, and then select the desired filtering options.

    We observe the result of all calendar events that meet the specified filtering criteria.

    💡 If a created event we are searching for does not appear in the calendar, it is useful to check if any filter is overlapping with another, preventing the desired result.

    In such cases, it is highly recommended to press the Reset [button] and start the filtering/search process anew.

    ▹ [Button] Reset: When clicking on the Filter button, this Reset button is also enabled. This way, if we have applied any filter, clicking on the Reset [button] removes all filters [segmentation and/or search] and we can view the event calendar by default [without filters].

    Removing Filters Using the Reset Button

    Filters removed after pressing the Reset button

    💡 The initial view of the calendar always shows the current week, starting from the activity schedule you have established for your business.

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

                  👉 👉 how to set the schedules for your fitness business 🚀 🚀


    ▪ Search events by their name

    Using the search bar for "Search among my tasks, activities, or services," we can filter the events of your business by the name of those events.

    ❖ ℹ️ Apply a search filter by event name to the calendar

    To search for calendar events by their name, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the Search among my tasks, activities, or services [search bar].

    2. Type the name by which you want to filter and display the events in your fitness business calendar [for example, the name GAP].

    3. Verify that the desired events now appear in the calendar.


    Searching for an event with the name GAP


    💡 If a created event we are searching for does not appear in the calendar, it is useful to check if any filter is overlapping with another, preventing the desired result.

    In such cases, it is highly recommended to press the Reset [button] and start the filtering/search process anew.

    Reset Button to remove any filters that might be applied undesirably


    ii. ℹ️ Schedule a Task

    We can schedule tasks for the staff of your fitness business. The steps are as follows:

    1. Click on the Schedule Task [button].

    2. Fill in the corresponding fields (we will see this in detail in the next subsection on the Details of the fields in the schedule task modal window).

    3. Click on 💾 Save [button].


    Starting the process of scheduling a task

    Configuration and completion of scheduling a task


    ⚠️ If, when scheduling a task from the Fitness category that is related to clients [e.g., Routine, Weighing, Email Sending, Strength Test, etc.], there already exists an unvalidated task of the same type with the same associated client, the following message will be displayed to cancel the scheduling process or delete the other scheduled task [past, present, or future]. The message is as follows:

    "Are you sure?
    This task is already assigned to the user. If you continue, the previous task will be deleted."

    Warning message for pre-existing tasks in the fitness category associated with the same client

    🛠️ If you need to manage events for all employees [beyond your own], request your administrator to enable the corresponding Calendar permission [Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions > Employees (section)].

    Details of the Calendar permission to schedule, edit, validate, and delete events [from the calendar] for all employees of your fitness business


    ▪ Details of the fields in the schedule task modal window

    General view of the Schedule Task modal window

    Let's move on to each of the fields present in the schedule task modal window:

    Employee: From this dropdown list, we can select the employee who will carry out the task we are scheduling, from the list of employees in your fitness business.

    Selection of the employee we are scheduling

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:
                   👉 👉 how to register your fitness business employees in Trainingym Manager 🚀 🚀


    💡 When scheduling a task, we can select any employee from your business as needed, regardless of whether they are listed under the category to which the task belongs.





    Description: Allows us to specify the description of the task we are scheduling. By default, it will display the description configured in the selected task.

    Description of the task we are scheduling

    💡 This description will also appear in the email received by the client and the employee associated with that appointment.

    Example of an appointment message between a client and an employee of the fitness business

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about: 

    How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀


    Task: From this dropdown list, we can select the task we will be scheduling from the list of all existing tasks, corresponding to all categories of your business.

    Selection of the task we are scheduling

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:          

    👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    ⚠️ Only tasks that have at least one employee assigned to the categories to which those tasks belong will be listed.

    ▹ [Search Box for] Client If the selected task is configured to be performed with a client, this search bar will automatically appear to search for and select the client with whom the scheduled task will be performed.

    Search for the corresponding client 

    🔖 A continuación, podemos encontrar más información acerca de:
                   👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    Associated Area or Room: From this dropdown list, we can select the space we will be using to perform the task we are scheduling, from the list of existing spaces in your fitness business. By default, it will display the area or room configured in the selected task.

    Selection of the area or room associated with the task

    🔖 🔖 Below, we can find more information about:
                   👉 👉 how to manage the spaces of your fitness business from the Areas and Rooms panel
                   👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    ▹ [Calendar Box for] Start Date: Through this box, we can select the date on which the task we are scheduling will be performed. If we also select Repeat Task [checkbox], this chosen date will correspond to the start date of the series of repetitions of the mentioned task we are scheduling. By default, it will display the date on which we clicked the Schedule Task button.

    Selection of the task start date 

    ⚠️ It is only possible to schedule tasks that start on the current day or on future dates.


    Start Time: Through this time box, we can specify [in HH:MM format] the time at which the task we are scheduling should begin. By default, it will display the time at which we clicked the Schedule Task button.

    Task start time

    ▹ [Box for] Duration: Allows us to specify the duration of the task we are scheduling in minutes. By default, it will display the duration configured in the selected task.

    Selection of the task duration

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:
                   👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    ▹ [Checkbox for] Repeat Task: Enables the corresponding sub-options for the task we are scheduling to be repeated over time.

    General view of the sub-options for repeating the task over time

    In this context, the sub-options for Repeat Task are:

    ▿ [Button Bar for] Days of the Week: Allows us to select the days [from Monday to Sunday] on which the task we are scheduling will repeat.

    Selection of the days of the week on which the task will repeat

    ▿ [Box for] Repeat every X weeks Here we can specify how many weeks apart the task we are scheduling will automatically repeat.

    Selection of the weeks between each repetition

    ▿ [Calendar Box for] End Date: This box allows us to quickly select the end date for the task we are scheduling to repeat until.

    Task end date

    ▹ [Selector for] Notify by email: If the selected task is configured to be performed with a client [Task with partner], once we save the task we are scheduling, this selectable option allows us to send a notification via email to the client [and the corresponding staff member] with the details of the scheduled appointment.

    Scheduling the email notification 

    Example of an appointment message between a client and an employee of the fitness business

    ⚠️⚙️ Email notifications are associated with a template that must be activated at the fitness business level. If you have any questions, please contact the Technical Support team through the usual channels:

      ✅ Support Chat in Trainingym Manager [Available 24/7]
      ✅ Email at
      ✅ WhatsApp at +34685945597
      ✅ Phone at +34911255677


    ⚠️ Sending email notifications related to scheduled appointments with clients is available exclusively in the new Calendar view [and is not available in the old view].


    💡 If you wish to schedule an appointment for multiple clients, schedule a Service instead of a task.


    iii. ℹ️ Schedule a Service

    We can schedule services for the clients of your fitness business who request them. The steps are as follows:

    1. Click on the Schedule Service [button].

    2. Complete the corresponding fields (we will see this in detail in the next subsection on Details of the fields in the schedule service modal window).

    3. Click on 💾 Save [button].


    Starting the process of scheduling a service

    Start configuring the service we are scheduling

    Completion of the configuration and scheduling of a service


    💡 If we want to schedule a service so that it can be reserved in the future [for example, to be bookable by your clients from the Easy app and/or your business's personalized web], we need to take the following additional step:

    4. Click on Yes [button] to confirm that the service is scheduled without including clients.

    Completion of scheduling a service to be reserved by clients

    Confirmation that we are scheduling a service to be directly reserved by clients


    Display of the service we have scheduled from your fitness business app

    Display of the service we have scheduled from the Easy web of your fitness business


    🛠️ If you need to manage events for all employees [beyond your own], request your administrator to enable the corresponding Calendar permission [Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions > Employees (section)].

    Details of the Calendar permission to schedule, edit, validate, and delete events [from the calendar] for all employees of your fitness business

    ▪ Details of the fields in the schedule service modal window

    Let's move on to each of the tabs and corresponding fields present in the schedule service modal window:

    ▹ [Tab] Configuration:

    Similar to the Schedule Task modal window, we can schedule a service from this Configuration tab.

    General view of the Configuration tab in the Schedule Service modal window

    In this context, the fields present here are:

    ▿ Employee: From this dropdown list, we can select the employee who will carry out the service we are scheduling, from the list of employees in your fitness business.

    Selection of the employee responsible for the service 

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

    👉 👉 how to register your fitness business employees in Trainingym Manager 🚀

    💡 When scheduling a service, we can select any employee from your business as needed, regardless of whether they are listed under the category to which the service belongs.


    ▿ Services: From this dropdown list, we can select the service we will be scheduling, from the list of all existing services, corresponding to all categories of your business.

    Selection of the service we are scheduling

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

    👉 👉 how to configure the services you offer to your clients 🚀 🚀

    ⚠️ Only services that have at least one employee assigned to the categories to which those services correspond will be listed.


    ▿ Description: Allows us to specify the description of the service we are scheduling. By default, it will display the description configured in the selected service.

    Description of the service we are scheduling 

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

    👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀


    ▿ [Dropdown List for] How will the service be delivered?**: Allows us to specify whether the service we are scheduling will be conducted virtually or in person.

    Selection of how the service will be delivered

    In this regard, the sub-options for the dropdown list "How will the service be delivered?" are as follows:

    ◈ Online: Enables the option buttons to choose how the service will be provided virtually.

    General view of the sub-options for the Online option

    Thus, the sub-options for Online delivery are:

    ▸ Add video from the virtual gallery: Allows us to choose a video that is already present and public in the video gallery of your fitness business.

    List of available videos in the virtual gallery 

    🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

    👉 👉 how to configure the Virtual Content Pack 🚀

    ▸ Add custom URL: Here we can add the URL from which your clients will be directed to the virtual service we are scheduling.

    Detail of the Add Custom URL option button

    Your clients' experience from your fitness business app

    💡 While YouTube is currently one of the most well-known platforms for video streaming, you can also use any other valid internet URL you prefer for your streaming activities. This could include links to other web platforms like Instagram or Zoom.

    ⚠️ [To display correctly,] we must always enter the Streaming URLs [from Instagram, Zoom, YouTube, etc.] with their full address [including the prefix https://www. or http://www.].

    Examples ✅:



    Examples ❌:




    ▸   Video Call: From this option button, we can indicate that the service will be provided via video call.Details of the Video Call option button

    ◈   In-person: Through this option, we can confirm that the service we are scheduling will be conducted in person and it enables the corresponding (sub)option for the associated area or room.

    Selection of the in-person service

    Thus, we have:

    ▸   [List box for] Associated area or room: From this box, we can select the space we will be using to provide the service we are scheduling, from the list of existing spaces in your fitness business. By default, it will display the area or room configured for the selected service.

    Selection of the area or room associated with the service 


    ▿ [Calendar box for] Start Date: Using this box, we can select the date on which the service we are scheduling will be performed. If we also select the Repeat Task option [checkbox], this chosen date will correspond to the start date of the series of repetitions of the mentioned task we are scheduling. By default, it will display the date on which we clicked the Schedule Service button.

    Start date of the service we are scheduling 

    ⚠️ It is only possible to schedule services that start on the current day or future dates.

    ▿ Start Time: Using this time box, we can indicate [in HH:MM format] the time at which the service we are scheduling should begin. By default, it will display the time at which we clicked the Schedule Task button.

    Selection of the service start time

    ▿ [Box for] Duration: This allows us to specify the duration of the service we are scheduling in minutes. By default, it will display the duration configured for the selected service.

    Selection of the service duration 

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:

    👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀


    ▿ [Checkbox for] Repeat Service: Enables the corresponding (sub)options for the service we are scheduling to be repeated over time.

    Overview of the (sub)options for automatically repeating the service


    In this regard, the Repeat Service (sub)options are:

    ◈ [Button bar for] Days of the Week: Allows us to select the days [from Monday to Sunday] on which the service we are scheduling will be repeated.

    Selection of the days on which the service will be repeated

    ◈ [Box for] Repeat every X weeks: Here we can specify how many weeks will pass before the service we are scheduling is automatically repeated.

    Selection of the weeks between each repetition

    ◈ [Calendar box for] End Date: This box allows us to quickly select the date until which the service we are scheduling will be repeated.

    End date of the service

    ▿ [Service selector] Public: Allows us to enable the visibility of the service we are scheduling from the app and the personalized Easy web of your fitness business. In this line, the Public [selector] enables its corresponding (sub)option of Available Slots for the service we are scheduling. In this way:

    ◈ [Box for] Available Slots: From this value box, we can indicate the number of slots that will be available for the service we are scheduling.

    Selection of the Public field and its corresponding (sub)field for Available Slots


    💡 Remember to specify how many slots will be available for your clients!

    ⚠️ Once the service [we are scheduling] has been scheduled—after clicking the 💾 Save [button] in the Schedule Service modal window—the Public [service] selector and its corresponding (sub)option for Available Slots are automatically locked for editing.
    Therefore, if it is necessary for the scheduled service to no longer be Public or for the values of Available Slots to be different, the scheduled service must be deleted and a new one scheduled from scratch.

    Selección del campo Servicio de pago
    y su correspondiente (sub)campo de Créditos por plaza

    ▿   [selector de] Servicio de pago: Permite el cobro del servicio mediante créditos. En este tenor, Servicio de pago [selector] habilita su correspondiente (sub)campo de Créditos por plaza para el servicio que estamos programando. De esta manera:

    ◈   [Cuadro de] Créditos por plaza: Aquí podemos indicar cada cuántos créditos se necesitarán para poder disfrutar de este servicio que estamos programando.

    Selection of the Paid Service field and its corresponding (sub)field for Credits per Slot

    💡 Remember to specify how many Credits per Slot will be necessary for your clients to reserve your service!

    ⚠️ Once the service [we are scheduling] has been scheduled—after clicking the 💾 Save [button] in the Schedule Service modal window—the Paid Service selector and its corresponding (sub)option for Credits per Slot are automatically locked for editing.
    Therefore, if it is necessary for the scheduled service to no longer be a Paid Service or for the values of Credits per Slot to be different, the scheduled service must be deleted and a new one scheduled from scratch.

    Detail of the Paid Service field selector and its corresponding (sub)field for Credits per Slot

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:

    👉 Set up your paid classes and spaces with Trainingym Payments 🚀


    ▹ [Tab] Members [Clients]: From this tab, we can add your clients to manually make their reservations.

    Overview of the Members [Clients] tab in the Schedule Service modal window

    💡 From this Members [Clients] tab, we can add reservations for as many clients as we want.

    ⚠️ By manually adding your clients' reservations, we can exceed the limit of available slots set when scheduling the corresponding service [Trainingym Manager > Employees > Calendar > Schedule Service (button) > Schedule Service (modal window) > Category (tab) > Available Slots (value box)].

    💡 We can see the maximum number of available slots configured [for an already created service] by simply clicking on the chosen service and viewing the value of its Available Slots field [Trainingym Manager > Employees > Calendar > Search and select the desired service > Modal window with the summary of the selected service > Edit (button) > Modal window with the details of the service fields > Category (tab) > Available Slots (value box)].

    ⚠️ [After completing the scheduling of the corresponding service] the Available Slots field [value box] is locked for editing.

    In this regard, the fields in this Members [Clients] tab are:

    ▿ [Search bar] Search member [client] by name: From this search bar, we can search for the client by name to manually add their reservation.

    Search for a client by their name

    ⚠️ The Search member [client] by name bar will display the result "No data" until we start typing the first three characters of the name of the client we are searching for.

    "No data" message until we type 3 characters

    ▿ [Button] Add Member [client]: Button that allows us to add your previously selected client from the Search Member [client] by name search bar.

    Button to Add Member [client] 

    ⚠️ The Add Member [client] button will be enabled only after we have selected a client searched from the Search Member [client] by name search bar [from this same Members (Clients) tab].

    Adding a client after searching for and selecting them from the Search Member [client] by name search bar


    ▿ Client List: In this list, we can find and/or remove the clients for whom we have already made a reservation while scheduling the service we are programming.

    Default "No data" message in the client list without any added client reservations

    Client list with the clients for whom we have already manually made a reservation

    💡 The client associated with the scheduled service will be able to view its information from the app [Today tab > My Schedule section] and/or from the personalized Easy web [Home tab > My Next Appointment section] of your fitness business.

    Client experience [after reserving a service] from the app and personalized Easy web of the business.


    iv. iv. View event summary

    Once we have scheduled events from the calendar, we can view their information, edit them, validate them, and/or delete them from their corresponding summary modal windows. To do this, [1st] click on the desired event in the calendar and [2nd] wait for the corresponding summary modal window to open.

    Selection of a scheduled event [in this case, a task]

    Viewing the summary modal window of the selected event [task]

    ⚠️ Specifically, if we click on an event for an activity, we will be redirected to the Activities panel [Trainingym Manager > Activities > Manage Schedule] so that we can continue managing that activity from there.

    Beginning the process of managing an event [activity]

    Modal window for editing an activity

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:

    👉 Adding and Editing Activities and Bookable Services with Trainingym


    Once inside the modal window of the event [task or service], we can now view the following sections:

    ▹ [Strip for] Event Color: In this section, we can see the color assigned to the event as configured from its respective category panel.

    🔖Below, you can find more information about:
                       👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    Type [of event] | Name [of event]: Here it indicates:

    ▿ Type [of event]: Shows the selected event type; either task or service.

    ▿ Name [of event]: Displays the name of the selected task or service, as configured in its corresponding category.

    Event Image: In this section, we can see the image representing the event, as configured in the category to which the task or service belongs.

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:                 

     👉 How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients. 🚀

    Assigned Employee: Indicates the name of the employee responsible for the selected event.

    Member/s [Client/s]: If the scheduled event has one or more associated clients, we can see their names in this section.

    Date: Displays the date on which the selected event will take place.

    Start Time: Shows the start time of the selected event.

    Duration: Indicates the estimated duration of the selected event.

    ▹ [Button] 🗑️ Delete: Allows the deletion of the selected event.

    ▹ [Button] Edit: Enables the view and/or editing of the tabs and field values corresponding to the selected event.

    ▹ [Button] Validate: Allows confirming that the event has been successfully completed.


    Viewing the summary modal window of a selected event [task]


    v. ℹ️ Edit a calendar event

    To update the details of a scheduled event [task or service] from your business's calendar, follow these steps:

    1. [From the list of events in your fitness business's calendar] click on the box of the corresponding event to edit.

    2. Wait for the event summary modal window to appear.

    3. [Once inside the event summary modal window (task or service)] click on the ✏️ Edit [button].

    4. Wait for the edit modal window of the selected event to appear.

    5. [Once inside the edit modal window of the selected event] proceed to edit any available fields you wish to update.

    6. [If any changes are made,] click on the 💾 Save [button].

    Beginning the process of editing a scheduled event [task or service]
    Continuation of the editing process for the selected event [task or service]

    Completion of the editing process for the scheduled event [task or service]

    ⚠️ Specifically, if we click on an event for an activity, we will be redirected to the Activities panel [Trainingym Manager > Activities > Manage Schedule] so that we can continue managing that activity from there.

    Beginning the process of editing an event [activity]

    Edit activity modal window

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:            

      👉 Adding and Editing Activities and Bookable Services with Trainingym

    🛠️ If you need to manage events for all employees [beyond your own], request your administrator to enable the appropriate Calendar permission [Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions > Employees (section)].

    Detail of the Calendar permission to schedule, edit, validate, and delete events [from the calendar] for all employees of your fitness business


    vi. ℹ️ Validate an event from the calendar

    To validate the successful completion of a scheduled event [task or service] from your business's calendar, follow these steps:

    1. [From the list of events in your business's calendar] click on the box of the corresponding event.

    2. Wait for the event summary modal window to appear.

    3. [Once inside the event summary modal window (task or service)] click on the Validate [button].

    4. [If you are sure the selected activity should be validated] click on Yes [button].


    Beginning the validation process for a scheduled event [task or service]
    Completion of the validation process for the selected event [task or service]

    Confirmation that the selected event [task or service] has been successfully validated

    ⚠️ If we click on an event of an activity, we will be redirected to the Activities panel [Trainingym Manager > Activities > Manage Schedule] so that we can continue validating that activity from there.

    Start of the validation process for an event [activity]

    Validation Tab of the modal window for editing an activity

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:
                   👉 Adding and Editing reservable activities and services with Trainingym


    ⚠️ It is only possible to validate scheduled events from past dates or the current day. If you attempt to validate an event set for a future date, the following message will appear:

    "We're sorry, you cannot validate an event scheduled for a future date. Edit the settings, change the time and date to be able to validate this event."

    Message for the inability to validate future dates

    ⚠️ Some tasks will require your fitness business staff to perform a specific action with the client to be validated [For example, predefined tasks in the Fitness category such as: Routine, Weigh-in, Email sending, Strength test, etc.]. In this case, Trainingym Manager will direct your staff to the corresponding section to carry out the action.


    🛠️ If you need to manage events for all employees [beyond your own], request your administrator to enable the corresponding Calendar permission [Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions > Employees (section)].

    Details of the Calendar permission to schedule, edit, validate, and delete events [from the calendar] for all employees in your fitness business.


    vii. ℹ️ Deleting an event from the calendar

    We can delete a scheduled event [task or service] from your business calendar. To do so:

    1. [From the list of events on your business calendar] click on the event to delete.
    2. Wait for the event summary modal window to appear.
    3. [Once inside the event summary modal window (task or service)] click on 🗑️ Delete [button].
    4. [If you are sure about the deletion action you are taking] click Yes [button] to confirm the deletion.

    Selección del evento [tarea o servicio] a eliminar

    Completion of the deletion of the selected event [task or service].


    ⚠️ Specifically, if you click on an event of an activity, you will be redirected to the Activities panel [Trainingym Manager > Activities > Manage Schedule] so that you can continue managing the activity from there. Therefore, if you wish to delete an activity from your business calendar, it is advisable to proceed as if you were performing a multiple deletion, selecting only the activity to delete.

    🔖 Below, you can find more information about:                

    👉 how to manage activities in your fitness business.


    🛠️ If you need to manage events for all employees [beyond your own], request your administrator to enable the corresponding Calendar permission [Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions > Employees (section)].

    Details of the Calendar permission to schedule, edit, validate, and delete events [from the calendar] for all employees in your fitness business.


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