How to set up your staff's tasks and the services you offer to your clients.

We've upgraded the Profiles, Tasks, and Services menu, enhancing the current interface and the experience when configuring the range of services your clients can enjoy.

Monetizing your service offerings is key to improving revenue results at your gym.

Innovate or die. There's no other maxim in the fitness sector. The arrival of the pandemic has brought about a paradigm shift in fitness business management, requiring adaptation to the changing situation with new technological solutions to maintain market share.

Enable your clients to use your services wherever, whenever, and however they want.

Your clients can use your business app to easily book services and make payments in just three clicks.

Source: Monetize all the services of your fitness business without limits.

👉 Through the "Categories" Menu, you can configure 2 aspects that will impact the organization of your staff and the experience of your clientele:

  1. The "categories" of your business's employees, as well as the "tasks" they will perform in their day-to-day (with or without clients) based on the role they play.
  2. The "services" you offer to your clientele, so they can have access to them without limits from your business's app or website.

This new menu will allow you to efficiently manage the task agenda, appointments, and services of your staff, ensuring proper control and follow-up of your clients, thereby enhancing their loyalty potential.

What content are we going to cover in this tutorial?

  1. How to create a new category.
  2. How to create a new task.
  3. How to create a new service.
  4. How to assign employees to a category.

We'll explain everything step by step.

First, log in to Trainingym Manager with your username and password. Then, go to the Services > Categories menu.

From this screen, you can view the list of categories already created (employee profiles that encompass related tasks and services).

From this screen, you can:

  • Search for a category by name from the list using the search bar.
  • Delete a category from the list. Delete a single category using the 🗑 Delete option, or select and delete multiple categories at once by clicking the "Delete" button.

🚨 The "Fitness" category cannot be deleted because it is a "special" category, as it contains tasks and services on which certain system tracking actions depend.

  • Edit an existing category in the list through the ✏️ Edit option.
  • Create a new category by clicking the "Create category" button.

👉 Whether you add or edit an existing category, you will access a configuration panel where, in addition to being able to configure the identifying "data" of the category itself, you can create or edit the "Tasks" and "Services" that are part of it. Finally, from the "Employees" section, you can link the category to the employees related to it based on the profile and/or role they play in your business.

Let's now look at each of the sections that make up a category.

1. How to create a new category.

First, go to the Services > Categories menu and click on the "Create category" button.

Next, you will access the category configuration window, composed of 4 sections: Data, Tasks, Services, and Employees.}

  • From the "Data" tab, you can configure the Name, Color, Image, and publication status of the category.
  • From the "Tasks and Services" tab, you can add and edit the tasks and services that will be included in that category.
  • From the "Employees" tab, you can link and unlink the employees related to that category.

To be able to save and finish adding the category, there are a series of minimum requirements:

  • Establishing a name for the category.
  • Adding at least one task or service to this category.

The "Save" button will be disabled until the minimum saving requirements are met (the two previous requirements).

Options in the DATA section.

From this section, you can configure the basic data of a category.

  • Category name: This name identifies the profile of the associated employee/s and is visible to clients on the Easy app and website if the category is "Public".
  • Category color: This color identifies the category on the employee schedule programming screen. To learn more about employee schedule programming, check out 👉 this article.
  • Category image: This image identifies the category on the employee schedule programming screen and is visible to clients on the Easy app and website if the category is "Public".
  • Option to publish the category on the app and website: If you activate the "Public" check for the category, public services will be visible to your clients on the Easy app and website.

🚨 The "Save" button will not be enabled until you add at least one task or service to that category. Therefore, the next step is to go to the "Tasks" or "Services" section to add at least one of them.

👉 If you want to edit an already created category, simply click on the ✏️ Edit option in the list of categories.

2. How to create a new Task.

From the "Tasks" section, you can add tasks associated with a category. To do this, click on the "Add task" button.

📌 A task is an event that can be linked to a client (appointment), but cannot be public or reservable by clients from the app or website. Examples: 'Clean the room' or 'Renew a routine'.

Next, a series of configuration parameters will appear:

  • Appearance: Name, Description, Code, Color, and Image.
  • Characteristics: Duration, Type (Task or Task with client), Automatic repetition in the employee's agenda, and Associated Areas or Rooms.

In order to "Save" and finish adding the task, there are some minimum requirements.

  • Enter a name for the task.
  • Enter a valid 2-letter code. Alphanumeric codes are allowed. The codes "VI", "RV," "RE", "EI", "PU", "EM", "TF", "TV", and "TX" are already in use.
  • Enter a valid duration in minutes. Decimals are not allowed.

📌 There will be no maximum limit of tasks or services per service category.

👉 After creating a task or service, the "SAVE" button will be enabled in the "DATA" section so you can save the category.

Options in the TASKS section.

Let's analyze the configurable options of a task next:

  • Task name: This name will be displayed in the task scheduling window.
  • Task description: This description will be displayed in the task detail window that the employee sees from their agenda.
  • Task code: Brief identification code of the task. This code is only visible on the task configuration screen. It is an internal value required by the system.
  • Task color: The color identifies the task on the calendar / task agenda screen of the employees.
  • Task image: This image identifies the task in the task list and calendar.
    Duration (minutes): Estimated time in minutes to complete the task.
  • Assigned area or room: Area of your business where employee availability will be scheduled to reserve an appointment. Select from the dropdown and choose a room from the list.
  • Task with Client: If activated, when assigning the task in the employee's agenda / calendar, the name of a client will be requested, who will receive a notification of an appointment with the data of the "appointment," and can subsequently evaluate their satisfaction through the corresponding survey. To learn more about satisfaction surveys associated with staff-client interactions, check out 👉 this article.
  • Repeat: By activating this option, the following options for repeating the assigned task in an employee's agenda will be enabled:

- Daily.

- Weekly.

- Every two weeks.

- Custom. If you select custom, a series of fields will appear progressively where you can enter the range of days that determine the task's lifecycle. 

📌 In this example, we show a task (Diet Review) that will repeat in the employee's agenda on days 7 and 21 counting from the day it is scheduled. For example: If the task is scheduled on the 1st day of the month, the following tasks will appear scheduled on the 8th and 22nd of the month.

💡 The "Fitness" category contains 2 key tasks in the process of retaining your customers (Routine and Weighing).

Trainingym focuses directly on both, aiming to facilitate the repetition of fundamental tasks such as the Initial Assignment of the Training Plan, Body Composition Assessment, as well as their Renewal.

Therefore, these 2 tasks contain an additional option called:

  • Automatic Renewal. If this option is disabled, assigning a routine or performing a weighing for a client does not automatically generate a new task (routine and/or weighing) in the calendar of the employee responsible for that interaction. On the other hand, if this option is enabled, assigning a routine or performing a weighing automatically generates a new task (routine and/or weighing) in the calendar of the employee responsible for that interaction. This allows you to track the client and, therefore, promote their loyalty.

👉 If you wish to edit an already created task, simply click on the ✏️ Edit option in the list of tasks.

3. How to create a new Service.

From the "Services" section, you can add tasks associated with a category. To do this, click on the "Add service" button.

📌 A service is an event that can be reserved by the member if configured as public. It can also be monetized by marking it as premium. Examples: 'Personal training' or 'Appointment with the nutritionist'.

Next, a series of configuration parameters will appear:

  • Appearance. Name, Description, Code, Color, and Image.
  • Characteristics. Duration, Type (Task or Task with client), Public, Paid, and Automatic repetition in the employee's agenda, and Associated Areas or Rooms.

To "Save" and finish adding the service, there are some minimum requirements.

  • Enter a name for the service.
  • Enter a valid 2-letter code. Alphanumeric codes are allowed. Codes "VI", "RV", "RE", "EI", "PU", "EM", "TF", "TV", and "TX" are already in use.
  • Enter a valid duration in minutes. Decimal use is not allowed.

📌 There will be no maximum limit of tasks or services per service category.

👉 After creating a task or service, the "SAVE" button will be enabled in the "DATA" section so that you can save the category.

Options in the SERVICES section.

Let's analyze the configurable options of a service:

  •  Service Name: This name will be displayed to clients on the Easy app and website.
  • Service Description: This description will be shown to clients in the service detail window on the Easy app and website. We recommend providing a specific and attractive description highlighting the benefits the client will receive, as this will facilitate the service's booking.
  • Service Code: A short identification code for the service. This code is only visible in the service configuration screen and is an internal value required by the system.
  • Service Color: The color identifies the service on the employees' task calendar/agenda.
  • Service Image: This image will be shown to clients in the service detail window on the Easy app and website. We recommend providing a specific and attractive description highlighting the benefits the client will receive, as this will facilitate the service's booking.
  • Publish Service on App and Website: If you activate the "Publish" checkbox for the service, public services will be visible to your clients on the Easy app and website.P
  • Paid (Credits): If you activate this option, a field labeled "credits" will appear where you can enter up to 5 digits. (Credits). To learn more about configuring credit packs, check out 👉 this article.
  • Duration (minutes): Estimated time in minutes to complete the service.
  • Assigned Area or Room: The space in your business where employee availability will be scheduled for booking the service. Select from the dropdown and choose a room from the list.
  • Repeat: When you activate this option, the following repetition options for the service assigned in an employee's agenda will be enabled:

- Every day.

- Every week.

- Every two weeks.

- Custom. If you select custom, you will see a series of progressively appearing fields where you can enter the range of days that determine the service's lifecycle.

📌 In this example, we show you a service that will repeat in the employee's agenda on days 15 and 30, counting from the day it is scheduled. For example: If the service is scheduled on the 1st day of the month, the following service appointments will be scheduled on the 16th and 31st of the month.

👉 If you want to edit a service that has already been created, simply click on the "Edit" option in the list of services.

4. How to assign employees to a category.

Finally, it is essential to connect the categories with the employees in your business who are responsible for carrying out the scheduled tasks and services for that category. We have 2 options for linking Employees to profiles and vice versa:

  • From the employee's profile itself, access the PROFILES, TASKS, AND SERVICES tab.

📌 From this screen, you can associate multiple categories with the same employee.

  • From the "EMPLOYEES" section of a category.

This section consists of 2 columns:

  • Available Employees: Displays the employees who are NOT assigned to the category we are editing, so we can select them and Add them through the "ASSIGN EMPLOYEES" button. Remember to "Save" the changes.

💡 You can perform a multiple assignment of employees.

  • Employees Assigned. This section displays the employees who are already assigned to the category we are editing. You can select them and remove them using the "Remove employees" button. Remember to "Save" the changes.


💡 You can perform a multiple deletion of employees.