Manage your staff's schedule.

Organize your staff's work schedule and facilitate the management of their task list and appointments with your clients.

Employee scheduling allows us to configure the availability of different employees at your fitness business, improving and facilitating the management of your staff's task list and appointment schedule.

In this article, we will show you the steps to schedule your staff's hours using Trainingym Manager. In this regard, we will proceed to discuss the following topics:

🎯 Prepare the way to efficiently organize your staff's schedule according to their work hours.

🎯 Enable your clients to book appointments with your staff based on their availability.

🎯 Have the system ready to generate performance reports for your staff.

What does it feel like to know that your staff is working optimally with Trainingym?

"The feeling is one of satisfaction; every time I do the closing, I feel satisfaction for what we have achieved."

Ángel Daniel

"Founding Partner of Miami Fit Gym in Vicálvaro"

What content will we cover in this tutorial?

  1. Access to the schedule listing
  2. Your staff's schedules

Let's go together step by step! 🤝

Access to the schedule listing

The first step to access and configure your staff's schedules is to navigate to the Employee Schedules menu [from the Employees panel] in Trainingym Manager. To do this:

1. Log in to Trainingym Manager with the appropriate access credentials [username and password].

2. Search for and click on Employees [panel].

3. Click on Employee Schedules [menu].

Location of the Employee Schedules menu

in the Employees panel of Trainingym Manager

🛠️ If the Employee Schedules menu [found in Trainingym Manager > Employees > Employee Schedules] is missing, you should ask your administrator to enable the appropriate permission [selector] for Scheduling [in Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions (menu) > Permission Type Selection > Employees (section) > Employee Schedules].

"Permission [selector] for Scheduling enabled, granting access to the Employee Schedules menu [in the Employees panel]."

Your staff's schedules

From the Employee Schedules menu, we can efficiently manage all the schedules of your fitness business staff.

Overview of the Employee Schedules screen for your fitness business

  • Detail of the sections in the Employee Schedules menu

Let's now proceed with each of the sections that make up the Employee Schedules menu screen, and the corresponding data for each of these sections.

▹ [Button] Filter: Enables the following segmentation filter fields, for the time slots of your fitness business staff (we will see it in detail in the next subsection of Segmentedly Filtering Schedules - in the following section of Managing your Staff's Schedules, within this same Employee Schedules section).

Filter Button

▹ [Schedule Button]: Allows us to schedule new time slots for your staff (we will see it in detail in the next subsection of Scheduling - in the following section of Managing Calendar Events, within this same Staff Calendar section).

Schedule Time Button


▹ Staff Schedules List Section:

Day View Button: Presents the visualization of events for a particular day.
                                                            Day View Button

Week View Button: Displays the visualization of events by week, always starting from Monday of the selected week. By default, this button appears selected.

Week View Button

Month View Button: Presents the visualization of events for the chosen month.

Month View Button


Three Dots Button: Enables a list with the following additional actions:

◈ [PDF Download Button]: Compiles and downloads the list of events shown on the calendar into a .PDF file, according to the previously selected configuration and the consequent time slots displayed on the screen.

Three Dots Button
and its sub-option of PDF Download



⚠️ If we are applying any kind of filtering [by segmentation, name, and/or by day/week/month], only the resulting data will be compiled and downloaded according to the selected configuration.

Example: If we are using the Filter by Employees [filter list box] and have the Day View Button active [instead of Week], only the corresponding data for the selected employee of the chosen day will be compiled and downloaded, indicating exclusively the time slots by category for that mentioned day for the selected employee.

▿ Informational Text for Week/Day/Month: Indicates the week/day/month currently being presented from the event list of your business.

Informational text indicating the week/day/month being viewed

▿ 📅 [Dropdown Calendar Button]: When pressed, it expands to display a calendar view for selecting the one that suits your needs.

Dropdown 📅 Calendar Button



💡 By default, the dropdown 📅 calendar displays the current month, highlighting the current day with a red border.

▿ ◀️ [Go to Previous Week/Day/Month Button]: Allows us to navigate to the preceding week, day, or month from the currently displayed week, day, or month on the screen.

◀️ Go to Previous Week/Day/Month Button


▿ ▶️ [Go to Next Week/Day/Month Button]: Allows us to navigate to the next week, day, or month from the currently displayed week, day, or month on the screen.

▶️ Go to Next Week/Day/Month Button


💡 Scrolling to previous and subsequent weeks/days/months [using the respective ◀️ and ▶️ buttons] maintains any previously selected filtering actions.

▿ Staff Schedules List: Displays on the screen all the time slots for the staff of your fitness business, according to the previously selected/established configuration [filtered by segmentation and/or by day/week/month]. In this regard, the events:

◈ are listed:

1st by day of the week [vertically, from top to bottom, from Monday to Sunday],

2nd by employee [alphabetically (A-Z) and also vertically from top to bottom],

💡 When hovering over the profile picture of one of your employees in the calendar, we can view the name of that employee.

3rd by the name of the category to which the employee's time slot belongs [again vertically and alphabetically (A-Z)].

4th by time slots [now horizontally, from left to right and from earlier to later], according to the established schedule for your business.

🔖 Next, we can find more information about:
👉 how to set up your business schedules 🚀

◈ They are displayed:

▸ with the associated category name presented in gray color.

▸ with the color of the employee category [chosen in their respective properties] in a horizontal strip at the bottom.

▸ with a checkbox [in its corresponding top right corner] to proceed with its deletion [either individually or multiple along with other events simultaneously].


🛠️ If the Employee Schedules menu [found in Trainingym Manager > Employees > Calendar] is not showing, you should ask your administrator to enable the corresponding permission [selector] for Scheduling [Trainingym Manager > My Center > Permissions (menu) > Permission Type Selection > Employees (section) > Schedule Time].

Display of the activated Schedule Time permission [selector] for the corresponding permission type

  • Management of your staff's schedules

Let's now proceed with how we can manage the calendar events of your fitness business:

a. Filtering Schedules

We can filter the list of employee schedules in your business by applying segmentation filters. This way, when we click on the Filter button, the list of different filter fields available for segmenting the calendar events of your fitness business is displayed. These filters are:

▪ Filter by employee

▪ Filter by profile [Categories]

Display of filtering fields and the Reset button


So, the segmentation filters that we can use are as follows:

Filter by Employee: Allows filtering the time slots of your staff according to the selected employee.

🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

👉 how to register your employees 🚀

Filter by profile [categories]: Allows filtering your staff's schedules according to the names of the categories to which the time slots of your staff correspond.

🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

👉 how to configure the categories of your fitness business 🚀

❖ ℹ️ Applying a segmentation filter

To filter segmentedly, simply:

1. From the Employee Schedules screen, click on the Filter button.

2. Click on the dropdown list box of the filter by which you want to filter and list the respective schedules of your fitness business staff, so that its corresponding list of options is displayed (for example, from the filter box of Filter by profile (category)).

3. Select the desired filtering value.

4. If desired, repeat from step 2. for the other filter boxes by which you also want to filter and display the events of your fitness business calendar (for example, the filter box of Filter by Employee).

5. Confirm that the desired time slots now appear in the schedule list.

Beginning of the process to filter the list of your staff's schedules

Selection of the filters by which we want to filter and list the schedules

Result of the time slots of your staff

that meet the specified filtering requirements


Reset Button: When clicking the Filter button, this Reset button is also enabled. Therefore, if we have applied any filters, clicking on Reset removes all segmentation filters and returns us to view the list of your staff's schedules in the default manner [without filters].

Removal of filters using the Reset button


Filters removed after clicking the Reset button


💡 If a time slot that we are looking for is not appearing in the list of your staff's schedules, it is useful to check if any filter is overlapping with another, preventing the desired result. In any case, it is highly recommended to click on Reset and start the filtering process again.

Reset Button to remove any filter

that may be applied unintentionally


 ii. ℹ️ Schedule Time

We can schedule time slots for the staff of your fitness business. The steps to do so are as follows:

1. From the Employee Schedules screen (Trainingym Manager > Employees > Employee Schedules), click on Schedule Time [button].

2. Fill in the corresponding fields (we will see this in detail in the next subsection of Detail of the fields in the Schedule Time modal window).

3. Click on 💾 Save [button].


Beginning of the process to schedule a time slot for your staff

Configuration and completion of scheduling a time slot for your staff

▪   Detalle de los campos de la ventana modal de Programar horario

When we click on the Schedule Time button, a modal window opens allowing us to fill in the data for the corresponding fields to indicate the availability of your staff [whether for one or multiple employees].

Default view of the Schedule Time modal window


In this regard, those fields are as follows:

Employee Category: From this dropdown list, we can select the category of the schedule for the employee we are scheduling.

Selection of the employee category


Period: Start and end dates during which the selected employee will work in the selected category.

Period Calendar Box

Start Time: The time at which the scheduled time slot begins. With the now button, we select the current time at which we are pressing said button.

Start time of the time slot we are scheduling


End Time: The time at which the scheduled time slot ends. With the now button, we select the current time at which we are pressing said button.

End time of the time slot we are scheduling

⚠️ If an employee has a split shift, we need to schedule each of their respective time slots independently. This means we need to make the corresponding number of schedules according to the number of time slots required.


Repeat Days Bar: A bar of buttons from which we can select the days on which the selected employees will have their corresponding selected time slot scheduled.

Selection of days on which the scheduled time slot we are programming repeats


Select One or Multiple Employees Section: Through this section, we can search for and select the employees for whom we want the respective scheduled time slot we are programming to be generated. In this section, we find:

▿ Search Bar: Search for an employee by name. Through this search bar, we can filter for the desired employees by their name, who are present in the list of employees in this Schedule Time modal window.

Searching for the employee to assign the schedule we are programming



⚠️ Only employees assigned to the selected category in the Employee Category field will be listed.

🔖 Below, we can find more information about:

👉 how to configure the categories of your fitness business 🚀


Employee List: Presents the employees of your business [that correspond to the category indicated in the Employee Category field] so that we can choose one or more of them to assign the scheduled time slot we are programming.

List of available employees corresponding to the chosen category


💡 We can simultaneously choose multiple employees who will be available for the selected time slot, and their corresponding repeat days, by clicking on their respective selection boxes.

Multiple selection of employees for the scheduled time slot we are programming



💡 We can select all listed employees simply by clicking on the select all checkbox.

Selection of all available employees

for the scheduled time slot we are programming

⚠️ For the employees of your business to appear correctly in the list of employees, the following conditions must be met:

◈ They must be registered in Trainingym Manager.

They must be assigned to the category chosen in the Employee Category field.

iii. ℹ️ Edit Schedules

We can edit the schedules of the already programmed time slots for the staff of your fitness business. The steps are as follows:

1. From the list of Employee Schedules of your fitness business (Trainingym Manager > Employees > Employee Schedules), click on the time slot to edit.

2. Wait for the modal window of the selected time slot summary to appear.

3. [Once inside the modal window of the selected time slot] click on ✏️ Edit [button].

4. Wait for the Modify Schedule modal window to appear.

5. [Once inside the Modify Schedule modal window] proceed to edit the schedules corresponding to the selected time slot. In this regard, we can indicate whether the new schedules will impact:

◈ the selected time slot [option Only selected],

◈ the selected and the following ones (same employee, same category, and similar day) [option Selected and related by scheduling],

◈ or within a specific range of eligible dates in the associated calendar boxes [option Selected between dates].

6. [If we make any changes,] click on 💾 Save [button].

Beginning of the process of editing a time slot


Continuation of the process of editing a time slot


Configuration and completion of editing a time slot


Completion of the process of editing the time slots for the selected days


⚠️ Remember that editing time slots works by similar day; that is, if we select a time slot for a Monday, all time slots for Mondays within the selected programming time period will be edited.

iv. ℹ️ Clone Schedules

We can clone the time slots present within a selected day. The steps to clone time slots are as follows:

1. Click on the checkbox of the day from which we want to clone its time slots (all time slots for that day will be selected).

2. Click on Clone Day [button].

3. Wait for the Clone Day/s of Activities modal window to appear.

4. [Once inside the Clone Day/s of Activities modal window] proceed to indicate:

 i. The employee from whom we will clone the time slots of the selected day [Select employee to duplicate].

 ii. Between which dates the time slots of the selected employee to duplicate will be replicated [Start Date and End Date].

 iii. The employee to whom we will replicate the time slots of the selected employee to duplicate [Select employee].

5. Click on 💾 Save [button] to complete the cloning.

Beginning of the time slot cloning process


Selection of the employee whose time slots will be replicated to another employee


Selection of the replication period for the selected time slots


Selection of the employee to whom the selected time slots will be replicated


Saving and completion of the time slot cloning


Verification that the cloning was successful



💡 We can clone time slots:

from one selected employee to another [for the same day or future days (within a date range)].

for the same selected employee [towards future dates (within a date range)].

⚠️ Cloning the time slots of the selected day includes all categories of the employee being duplicated.

⚠️ Cloning the time slots of the selected day only replicates them on the corresponding day of the following weeks [within the specified date range]. Therefore, if we want to replicate [the time slots of] multiple days of a week, we need to perform as many cloning operations as the number of days we want to replicate.

v. ℹ️ Deleting Schedules

We can delete a scheduled time slot from your staff's schedule list. To do this:

1. [From your business's schedule list], click on the time slot to delete.

3. Wait for the summary modal window of the time slot to appear.

4. [Once inside the summary modal window of the time slot], click on 🗑️ Delete [button].

5. [If we are indeed sure about the deletion action we are taking], click on Yes [button] to confirm the deletion.


Selection of the time slot to delete


Completion of the deletion of the selected time slot



💡 It's also possible to quickly delete multiple time slots simultaneously from the staff schedule list. Here's how:

1. From the list of staff schedules in your business, click on the respective selection boxes of the time slots you want to delete.

2. Click on 🗑️ Delete selected [button].

3. Wait for the confirmation modal window "Are you sure you want to delete?" to appear.

4. Once in the "Are you sure you want to delete?" summary modal window, select whether the time slots to be deleted will be:

   ◈ the selected time slots only [option Only selected],

   ◈ the selected ones and the following ones (same employee, same category, and similar day) [option Selected and related by teaching],

   ◈ or within a specific range of eligible dates in the associated calendar boxes [option Selected between dates].

5. Click on 💾 Accept [button].

Starting the process of deleting multiple time slots


Configuration and completion of the multiple deletion of several time slots


Verification that the multiple deletion of several time slots was successful