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"Set up customer groups to manage the tasks of their induction process.

The induction and customer support process is a crucial procedure for any fitness business, as it allows identifying the types of clients attending the center and designing efficient follow-up strategies tailored to each profile.

Groups" is a feature designed to create task protocols that will be performed with each group or type of client, allowing for effective monitoring. Here's how to create Task Groups to ensure proper user tracking.

Procedure to create Task Groups, step by step.

Access the Members menu > Member Groups in Trainingym Manager. On the screen, you will see the existing groups as well as the option to add new groups, edit, or delete existing ones.

📌 Important: For this menu to be available, you must ensure that it is enabled for your employee permission. If you don't see this menu, you should review your permission settings from the My Center menu > Permissions and check the box for member groups under the Members section.

To create a Group, click on the "Add" button. Then, on the next screen, you'll find the following options:

  • Category Group: Through this field, you can create new categories such as "Induction" or "Risk of Churn," or select an existing one.
  • Group Name: Add an identifying name for the group you're creating.
  • Assignment of Members to Group: You can choose between 2 options:
    • Manual Assignment: Members are assigned from the next selection screen, or through the induction questionnaire. If you select Manual > Induction, you must enter a score range, so the system can automatically associate the member to that group based on the score obtained after completing the induction questionnaire.

    • Automatic Assignment: Members are automatically assigned based on one or several pre-established conditions, which can be biological (age, gender) or related to their interaction with the center (assigned trainer, profile, fitness goal, etc.).

Once you've added the conditions that will allow you to segment your group of clients, click twice on the CREATE GROUP and NEXT button. Then, you will access the task configuration wizard for the group.

In this panel, you should configure the interactions that your staff will have with the clients in the process we call induction, which encompasses from their enrollment until we consider that their risk of leaving decreases considerably. This is achieved through initial guidance and a series of follow-up appointments to ensure they are familiar with the range of services offered by the center, feel comfortable, and well taken care of.

These tasks are fully customizable, and you can determine whether they will be self-assignable by the clients through the app (such as booking an appointment for Initial Guidance) or if they are internal follow-up tasks to be performed by the staff (such as making a follow-up call). They can be created and edited at any time from the Employees > Categories menu as explained below, and in more detail in 👉 this tutorial.

To add tasks, you only need to select one of the available tasks and determine the range of days in which they will be performed.

After SAVING the new task group, the configuration panel will display the following tabs:

  • Conditions: Once the group is created, the assignment conditions cannot be modified; only deleting or disabling the assignment to that group is allowed.
  • Members: Displays the list of clients who have already been assigned to that group.
  • Tasks: Allows editing the group's tasks.
  • History: Displays a history of member assignments to the group, from which you can check the clients, employees, and tasks performed over time.

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