Workouts Report

The Workouts Report gives you a clear overview of the status of the workouts assigned, self-assigned, and created by clients at your center.

The Workouts Report provides a detailed overview of the status of workouts that have been assigned, self-assigned, and created by clients at your center.

This report is essential for assessing the activity level of members, the involvement of employees in assigning workouts, and the perceived quality by clients.

What content will we cover in this tutorial?

  1. General Report
    1. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
    2. Chart of Total Assigned per Employee
  2. Monthly Report
  3. Detailed Report

Next, we will explain everything step by step.

To access this report, go to the menu Reports > Training > Workouts in Trainingym Manager. 

Workout Report

📌 Warning:
If you cannot find the report using the mentioned path (Reports > Training > Workouts), you need to access your employee permissions through the menu My Center > Permissions and enable the corresponding option.

Below, we explain each section of the report and how you can interpret the data to get the maximum benefit.

General 📊

This report is essential for evaluating the activity level of members, the involvement of employees in assigning workouts, and the quality perception clients have.

General Section of the Workout Report

At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs:

  • Assignment Date: You can select the date range in which you want to analyze the assigned Workouts.

📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Center: This filter allows you to select a specific center if you manage more than one, so only the data from that center is displayed.
  • Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to know if the data is current.

Below, we’ll explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

At the top of the report, you will find the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that summarize the most important data related to the workouts. Below, we explain each one and how to interpret them:

1. Total Workouts
  • What it is: The total number of Workouts created, either by employees or members, during the selected period.

A high number indicates good participation from both members and employees in using the Workouts system.

2. Total Assigned per Employee 

  • What it is: The total number of workouts assigned by employees.

If this number is low compared to self-assigned workouts, it may be helpful to review whether employees are actively participating in creating personalized workouts for members.

3. Total Self-Assigned 

  • What it is: Shows the number of workouts that have been self-assigned by members.

🔖 Interpretation:
A high number of self-assignments is positive, as it indicates that members are taking the initiative to manage their own workouts, reflecting a good level of autonomy and commitment.

4. Total Created by Client 

  • What it is: Indicates how many workouts were created directly by the clients.

🔖 Interpretation:
A high number suggests that members are not only assigning workouts to themselves but are also creating their own plans, which can indicate a good understanding and confidence in the workout system.

5. Total Activities 

  • What it is: Reflects the number of activities performed within the created workouts.

🔖 Interpretation:
This indicator allows you to assess whether members are actively using the assigned workouts.

6. Average Rating 

  • What it is: The average rating of the workouts validated by members, on a scale of 1 to 5.

🔖 Interpretation:
A high average rating indicates that members are satisfied with the workouts. If the average is low, it might be helpful to review the workouts to ensure they meet the clients' expectations and needs.

7. Total Validated Workouts

  • What it is: The total number of workouts that have been validated by members.

🔖 Interpretation:
A high number of validations indicates that members are completing the assigned workouts and validating them afterward. If this number is low compared to the total workouts assigned, it may be necessary to remind members to validate the workouts upon completion.

8. % Activities

  • What it is: The percentage of activities completed in relation to the total workouts created.

🔖 Interpretation:

A low percentage suggests that while workouts are being created and assigned, members are not completing the activities within them. This may require a review to understand why members are not following the planned workouts.


Chart of Total Assigned per Employee

Total Assigned per Employee Chart

Below the key performance indicators, you will find a Bar Chart that compares how many workouts have been assigned by each employee.

How to Interpret the Chart:

🔖 Interpretation:

  • Distribution by Employee: The chart clearly shows how many workouts were assigned by each employee. In this case, it can be seen that Juan Jesús Romera has assigned the majority of the workouts, while other employees have minimal or no participation. This may indicate that some employees might need more motivation or training to be more actively involved in assigning workouts.

  • Action Based on the Chart: If you notice that only one employee is assigning workouts, it may be helpful to redistribute responsibilities or train other employees to participate more in this task.

💡 Recommendation:

The Workouts General Report provides you with a comprehensive view of the status of workouts at your center. With this information, you can identify if employees are assigning enough workouts, if members are self-assigning and creating their own plans, and gauge the overall satisfaction with the workouts offered. Additionally, the report allows you to spot potential areas for improvement, such as a lack of completed activities or low assignment rates by employees.


By using this report to adjust your strategies for creating and monitoring workouts, you can enhance member engagement, optimize employee participation, and ensure that the assigned workouts meet client expectations.



This report is an essential tool for measuring center activity, member engagement, and employee participation in the creation and tracking of workouts.

Monthly Section of the Workout Report

At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs: 

  • Assignment Date: You can select the date range in which you want to analyze the assigned Workouts.

📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to know if the data is current.

Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented.

Workouts Assigned per Month

Workouts Assigned per Month

The first section of the report presents a chart that shows the Workouts Assignment for each month of the selected period, differentiating between workouts assigned by employees, self-assigned workouts, workouts created by clients, and the total activities performed.

Chart Elements:

  • Total Employee (Orange Bars): Represents the number of workouts assigned by employees in a specific month.  
  • Total Self-Assigned (Red Bars): Shows how many workouts have been self-assigned by members.  
  • Total Client (Purple Bars): Indicates how many workouts were created directly by members each month.  
  • Total Activities (Blue Bars): Reflects the number of activities performed within the created workouts.  
  • Variation from Previous Month (Blue Line): Indicates the percentage variation in the total number of workouts assigned compared to the previous month.

How to Interpret the Chart: 

🔖 Interpretation

  • Assignment Trends: This chart allows you to observe how the assignment of workouts changes month by month. For example, in March 2024, there was a peak in assignments, mainly due to self-assignments and client creations, with a 685.71% variation compared to the previous month. This could be due to increased promotion of workouts or changes in the center's scheduling.

  • Action Based on the Chart: If you notice that employee participation in assigning workouts is low compared to self-assigned workouts, it may be necessary to train employees or adjust strategies to encourage greater assignment by staff. Similarly, if the variation between months is very high, it's helpful to investigate what changes caused those variations to replicate success or mitigate declines.


Validated Workouts per Month

Validated Workouts per Month

The next section displays a bar chart that breaks down the Validated Workouts per Month, along with the average rating given by members and the variation compared to the previous month.

Chart Elements:

  • Total Validated (Red Bars): Indicates the number of workouts validated by members each month.
  • Average Rating (Orange Bars): Shows the average rating given by members for the validated workouts in that month.
  • Variation from Previous Month (Blue Line): Reflects the percentage variation in the number of validated workouts compared to the previous month.

How to Interpret the Chart:

🔖 Interpretation:

  • Validation Assessment: This chart allows you to see how many workouts have been completed and validated by members each month. For example, in March 2024, there was a significant increase in validations with 165 workouts validated and a 685.71% variation compared to February. This suggests that members were very active that month.

  • Workout Rating: The average rating measures member satisfaction with the completed workouts. A high average, like 4.50 in April, indicates that members are satisfied with the workout content. If the rating is low in certain months, it may be helpful to review the workouts offered during those periods.

  • Action Based on the Chart: If you notice a drop in validations or a low average rating in a specific month, it's important to analyze whether the workouts assigned during that month were suitable for members or if there were issues in execution. Additionally, if validations increase dramatically in a month, like in March, you might consider replicating the actions that led to that increase to maintain engagement in the following months.

💡 Recommendation:

The Monthly Workouts Report provides you with a detailed view of the assignment and validation of workouts at your center, helping you understand member and employee behavior month by month. This report is key for adjusting training strategies, improving member engagement, and optimizing employee participation in the creation and assignment of workouts.

With this report, you can identify behavior patterns, such as peaks in self-assignments or significant variations in workout validation, allowing you to make more informed decisions to enhance workout management at your center.


This report allows you to track detailed information about the assigned workouts, including who assigned them, whether they were created from the app or manually, if they were validated, and the rating given by members to the completed workouts.

Details Section of the Workout Report

 At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs:
  • Assignment Type: Filter workouts based on whether they were self-assigned, created from the app by the client, or created by employees.
  • Employee: Filter by the employee who assigned the workout.
  • Member: Filter by the member's name to view their workout history.
  • Status: Filter by the status of the workout, whether validated or pending validation.
  • Assignment Date: You can select the date range in which you want to analyze the assigned Workouts.

📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to know if the data is current.

Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented.

Data Breakdown by Workout

The report table provides a detailed breakdown of each workout. Below, we explain the key columns that will help you interpret the data:

1. Date

  • What it is: The date on which the workout was assigned.

🔖 Interpretation:

This data allows you to see when the Workout was assigned. If you notice that some workouts have not been validated over a prolonged period, it might be helpful to send a reminder to members to complete and validate them.

2. Workout

  • What it is: The name of the assigned workout.

🔖 Interpretation:

Identifying the type of Workout that was assigned can help you evaluate if certain workouts are more successful than others in terms of participation and satisfaction. If a particular Workout has low ratings or few validations, you might consider adjusting it to make it more appealing.

3. Member

  • What it is: The name of the member to whom the Workout was assigned.

🔖 Interpretation:

This data is useful for tracking the workout history of a specific member. If a member is not validating their workouts or is assigning workouts to themselves infrequently, it might be helpful to offer them personalized assistance or recommendations for more engaging workouts.

4. Assignment

  • What it is: Indicates whether the workout was created from the app or was self-assigned by the member.

🔖 Interpretation:

If the Workout was self-assigned, it reflects the member's initiative to manage their workouts autonomously. If it was created by an employee or through the app, it helps evaluate employee participation in assigning workouts.

5. Validation

  • What it is: Indicates whether the Workout was validated by the member.

🔖 Interpretation:

A validated Workout indicates that the member completed and reviewed the workout. If there are many workouts that are not validated, it may suggest that members are not completing the workouts or are forgetting to validate them, which might require a reminder.

6. Rating

  • What it is: Reflects the rating the member gave to the completed workout, on a scale of 1 to 5.

🔖 Interpretation:

The rating allows you to gauge the member's satisfaction with the Workout. A high average, such as 5, suggests that the workout was very well received, while low ratings may indicate that the Workout needs to be reviewed or adjusted to improve the client experience.


General Interpretation

This report gives you a detailed overview of the performance of workouts at your center.

Here are some key recommendations for interpreting the data and taking action accordingly:

💡 Recommendation:

  • Active Participation: If you notice that most workouts are self-assigned, as seen with several members in this report, it means that clients are engaged and taking the initiative. If employee participation in assignment is low, you can implement strategies to encourage them to be more actively involved.

  • Validations: If many workouts are not being validated, especially those with older assignment dates, it may be useful to send reminder notifications to members to complete and validate their workouts. Validations indicate that clients are consistently following the program.

  • Low Ratings: If you notice that a Workout has many low ratings (e.g., 1 or 2), as is the case with some in this report, consider reviewing the workout content to make it more appealing or effective for members.


The Workouts Report allows you to closely monitor the workouts assigned at your center, providing key insights into employee and member participation, workout validations, and overall client satisfaction with the assigned programs. By using this information effectively, you can adjust your workout assignment strategies and enhance the overall member experience, ensuring they complete and positively rate the workouts.