Learn how to interpret key data on points earned, redeemed, and pending in your center, and how these influence member and employee engagement and retention.
It's a fundamental tool for understanding the level of commitment and engagement of both your members and employees in your center's gamification system. This report details the points earned, redeemed, and pending, allowing you to identify trends and areas for improvement in motivating your clients and team. In this tutorial, we will explain how to interpret each section of the report to get the most out of your rewards program, improve member retention, and foster a more motivating work environment.
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To access this report, go to the menu Reports > Rewards from Trainingym Manager.
Rewards Report
📌 Warning:
If you can't find the report through the mentioned path (Reports > Rewards), you need to access your employee permission from the My Center > Permissions menu and activate the corresponding option.
Next, we will explain each section of the report and how you can interpret the data to get the maximum benefit.
General 📊
This section of the Rewards Report (General) is designed to quickly evaluate how many trial requests have been validated and how many sign-ups have been generated from other clients' recommendations, all while analyzing the conversion rate that measures the efficiency of the process.
General Section of the Rewards Report
- Center: You can select a specific center to view only the data for that location or see the combined information for all centers.
- Registration Date: This filter allows you to select a date range to focus on analyzing a specific period.
📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.
- Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the report's last update, which is useful to know if the data is current.
Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the presented data.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Main Indicators (KPIs)
Just below the filters, you will find the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that summarize the activity for the selected period.
1. Trial Requests
- What it is: Shows the total number of trial requests received.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high number indicates strong interest in your services. If the number is low, it might be necessary to review marketing strategies or customer acquisition campaigns.
2. Validated Trials
- What it is: Indicates how many of the trial requests have been validated, meaning how many potential clients have successfully completed the trial process by attending your business.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high number of validated trials reflects a good level of engagement from users who requested the trial. If this value is low, it might be necessary to improve the follow-up and validation process.
3. Sign-ups by Recommendation
- What it is: Reflects how many new clients have signed up through recommendations from other users via the invitation (trial) system.
🔖 Interpretation:
Sign-ups by recommendation are an indicator of the satisfaction level of your current clients. A high number suggests that clients are actively recommending your services. If it's low, you might consider strengthening your referral programs or providing incentives for recommendations.
4. Conversion Rate (%)
- What it is: This indicator measures the percentage of trial requests that have been converted into effective sign-ups (registered clients).
🔖 Interpretation:
A high conversion rate suggests that your conversion process is efficient and that the requested trials are resulting in active clients. A low rate might indicate the need to adjust the sales process or improve the trial experience.
Bar and Line Chart
Bar and Line Graph
Below the KPIs, you will find a chart that combines bars and lines to show the evolution of Trial Requests, Validated Trials, Sign-ups by Recommendation, and the Conversion Rate over time. This graph helps you visualize trends and month-to-month comparisons.
Chart Elements:
- Requests (Red Bars): Indicates the number of trial requests received each month.
- Validated Trials (Orange Bars): Shows how many of those requests have turned into effective trials.
- Sign-ups by Recommendation (Purple Bars): Reflects the number of sign-ups generated through recommendations from other users via the invitation (trial) system.
- Conversion Rate (Yellow Line): Represents the conversion rate as a percentage.
How to Interpret the Graph:
🔖 Interpretation:
- Monthly Trends: The graph allows you to observe the monthly variations in requests, validations, and sign-ups by recommendation. For instance, in March, you might notice a spike in sign-ups by recommendation, indicating a significant increase in recommendations that resulted in sign-ups.
- Conversion Rate: The yellow line shows how the conversion rate has fluctuated over the months, helping you identify potential opportunities or areas for improvement.
💡 Recommendation:
The Rewards Report is a fundamental tool for measuring the performance of your acquisition and referral campaigns. The Key Performance Indicators provide a quick overview of the number of trials requested, those validated, and the sign-ups resulting from recommendations, while the bar and line graph allows you to visualize trends over time.
If you notice a low conversion rate or few sign-ups by recommendation, you might consider improving follow-up strategies, optimizing the trial experience, or implementing referral incentives. Use this report to identify areas of opportunity and strengthen your acquisition and conversion processes.
This section of the Rewards Report (Details) provides a specific and detailed view of the performance of the trial requests, validations, and sign-ups by recommendation over different months. This report is crucial for gaining a better understanding of how the trials offered are converting into new member sign-ups and the role that recommendations play in this process.
Details Section of the Rewards Report
At the top of the report, there is a filter available again that allows you to adjust the information to be reviewed.
- Dates: Select the date range for the query.
📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.
- Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the report's last update, which is useful to know if the data is current.
The table in the details report is divided into several columns, each representing a key metric. Below, we explain each column and how to interpret it:
1. Month/Year
- What it is: This column indicates the month and year when the trials/sign-ups occurred (e.g., 03-2024 means March 2024)
2. Week
- What it is: Indicates the week of the month when the trials/sign-ups were recorded. In the current report, this detail seems to be condensed at a monthly level, which is useful for a more general overview.
3. Date
- What it is: Shows the specific date when the trials/sign-ups occurred.
4. Trials and Sign-ups Registered
- What it is: This column displays the total number of trials and sign-ups registered during the month.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high number indicates good reception or interest in your services during that specific month. If you see a low number, it might be helpful to review the marketing strategies or promotions for that month.
5. Validated Trials and Sign-ups
- What it is: Reflects how many of the registered trials and sign-ups were effectively validated, meaning the client or user has successfully completed the trial process.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high validation rate suggests good follow-up and genuine interest from users in becoming active clients. If this number is low compared to the registered trials, you may need to review the follow-up processes or the quality of the trials offered.
6. Sign-ups by Recommendation
- What it is: Shows how many of those sign-ups were achieved through recommendations from other users.
🔖 Interpretation:
Recommendations are a key indicator of customer satisfaction. A high number in this column suggests that your clients are happy and willing to recommend your services. If this number is low, consider boosting word-of-mouth or referral programs.
7. Conversion Rate
- What it is: Represents the conversion rate as a percentage, calculated based on the registered trials and sign-ups versus the validated ones.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high percentage indicates that most of the registered trials are converting into active clients, which is a positive sign that the process from trial to sign-up is working well. A low percentage could indicate the need for improvements in certain stages of the process, such as the trial experience or post-trial follow-up.
With this data, you can perform a detailed monthly analysis of the sign-ups generated by recommendations in your business. Here are some suggestions on how to use this information:
- Identify Trends: Observe how the metrics vary over the months. If you notice an increase in registered trials but a drop in validations, it signals a need to investigate what might have changed in the process.
- Optimize Recommendations: If the sign-ups by recommendation are low, consider implementing strategies to encourage your current clients to recommend others, such as referral programs or special discounts.
- Improve the Conversion Rate: If the conversion rate is low in some months, review which factors might be negatively impacting it and adjust your strategies accordingly.
Points 🏆
This section of the Rewards Report (Points) provides a detailed overview of the gamification system in your business, showing the points that both members and employees have earned, redeemed, and left pending.
Points Section of the Rewards Report
At the top of the report, you have several filters available again that allow you to adjust the information to be reviewed.
- Member: Select one, multiple, or all members for whom you want to obtain the desired information.
- Employee: Select one, multiple, or all employees for whom you want to obtain the desired information.
- Dates: Select the date range for the query.
📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.
- Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the report's last update, which is useful for knowing if the data is current.
Next, we will explain the different components of the report and how you can interpret the data to enhance the use of the points and rewards system.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Main Indicators (KPIs)
1. Member Points Earned
- What it is: This metric shows the total points that members have earned during the selected period.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high number indicates that members are actively participating in the rewards system. The percentage shown (% Earned vs. Total Points) gives you an idea of how many earned points represent the total points available.
2. Member Points Redeemed
- What it is: Shows how many points have been redeemed by members for rewards.
🔖 Interpretation:
If the redemption percentage is low, it may indicate that although members are earning points, they are not using them. This could suggest the need to review the rewards offered or improve communication on how to redeem points.
3. Member Points Pending
What it is: Reflects the points that members have earned but have not yet redeemed.
🔖 Interpretation:
A high percentage of pending points may indicate that members are accumulating points instead of using them. This is useful for predicting future redemptions or for encouraging point usage.
4. Points Lost Due to Member Cancellation
What it is: Indicates how many points have been lost due to member cancellations.
🔖 Interpretation:
If there are points lost, it would be important to investigate the reasons behind the member cancellations.
5. Points Earned vs. Accesses Ratio
What it is: This metric relates the points earned to the members' accesses to the center.
🔖 Interpretation:
A low ratio may suggest that points are not being sufficiently incentivized by visits to the center.
6. Employee Points Earned
What it is: Indicates the points earned by employees, possibly as part of an incentive or internal rewards program.
🔖 Interpretation:
This shows the employees' participation in the points system, reflecting their motivation or performance.
7. Employee Points Redeemed
What it is: Shows how many points have been redeemed by the employees.
🔖 Interpretation:
Similar to members, low redemption may indicate the need to review the rewards or further encourage employees to use their points.
8. Employee Points Pending
What it is: Reflects the points earned by employees that have not yet been redeemed.
🔖 Interpretation:
This indicates the accumulation of points by employees. A high level of pending points may suggest future redemptions or the need to encourage the use of points.
9. Points Lost Due to Employee Departure
What it is: Indicates how many points have been lost due to employee departures.
🔖 Interpretation:
As with members, the absence of lost points is positive. If there are lost points, it's crucial to understand why employees are leaving the company and how this affects the rewards system.
Bar and Line Graph
Bar and Line Chart
Chart Elements:
- Points Earned by Members (Orange Bars): Represents the number of points earned by members each month.
- Points Redeemed by Members (Red Bars): Shows how many points have been redeemed by members each month.
- Points Earned vs. Accesses Ratio (Purple Bars): Reflects the relationship between points earned and access to the center.
- Points Lost Due to Member Cancellation (Blue Bars): Displays how many points have been lost due to member cancellations.
How to Interpret the Graph:
🔖 Interpretation:
- Monthly Trends: This graph allows you to see if members are consistently accumulating points and, more importantly, if they are redeeming those points. For example, in February 2024, a significant number of points (1,100 points) were redeemed, but other months, like July, have very low redemption levels.
- Action Based on the Graph: If you notice that in certain months there are many points earned but few redeemed, you can adjust your communication strategies or review the available rewards to encourage more redemptions.
💡 Recommendation:
The Points Report is a crucial tool for analyzing member and employee participation in your center's gamification system. The data on points earned, redeemed, and pending provide a clear view of the engagement level of your clients and employees with the rewards program. If you notice that points are not being redeemed or there are many pending points, you might consider reviewing your rewards or running campaigns to encourage members to use their points.
This report will help you adjust your rewards system to increase member satisfaction and participation, improve retention, and foster a more motivating work environment for employees.
The rewards report is a fundamental tool for evaluating the effectiveness of your loyalty program. By correctly interpreting the data on requests, deliveries, cancellations, and refunds, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize the rewards offered, ensuring greater satisfaction and retention of your members.