Payment Report

The Payments Report provides a detailed analysis of the financial situation of your fitness business, based on the payments made by your clients.

The Payments Report will provide you with valuable financial information about your business, based on the payments made by your clients.

This report is a key tool for evaluating the financial metrics of your business over a specific period, allowing you to make informed decisions about your operations and sales strategies.

What will we cover in this tutorial?

  1. General Report
  2. Detailed Report
  3. Billing Repor
    1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    2. Billing Details

Next, we will explain everything to you step by step.

To access this report, go to the menu Reports > Payments from Trainingym Manager.


📌 Attention

If you cannot find the report using the mentioned path (Reports > Payments), you need to access your employee permission from the menu My Center > Permissions and activate the corresponding option.

Next, we will explain each section of the report and how you can interpret the data to gain the maximum benefit.

General 📊

At the top of the report, you have several filters that allow you to adjust the information you want to review in the report.

  • Center: Select the center or centers from which you want to obtain the desired information.

  • Product: Select the product or products (rates, vouchers, and items) that your clients can purchase to filter the corresponding data

  • Registration Date: Select the date range for the query.

🚨 Caution

When setting up the date range for the query, start with the end date; it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Last Update: Indicates the date and time of the last update of the report, which is useful for knowing if the data is current.

Payments Report

In this section of the report, you can review the following metrics.

1. Total Clients 

  • What it is: Shows the total number of clients who have made any type of payment during the selected period.

🔖Interpretation :

A higher number indicates a good flow of active clients, while a lower number might suggest the need to enhance client acquisition strategies.

2. Average Ticket 

  • What it is: The average ticket is the average amount each client has paid during the selected period based on the rates or vouchers purchased.


This value is useful for understanding how much each client spends on average. If it's low, you might consider increasing the perceived value of your services or products.

3. LTV (Lifetime Value)

  • What it is: The Lifetime Value (LTV) represents the average revenue a client generates throughout their entire relationship with your business.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high LTV indicates that your clients are loyal and generate long-term revenue. If it's low, you might need to review your retention strategies.

4. Total Gross Revenue (Including Taxes) 

  • What it is: This is the total revenue generated by clients, including taxes, during the selected period.

🔖 Interpretation:

This value gives you an overall view of your business's financial performance. Comparing it month over month or quarter over quarter will help you see growth or decline.

5. Total Amount of One-Time Payments 

  • What it is: This is the total amount of one-time payments made by clients, meaning those payments that are not recurring. It includes the purchase of vouchers, physical products, and custom payments.

🔖 Interpretation:

If this metric is high, it may indicate that your clients prefer making one-time payments rather than subscribing to recurring payments. You might consider incentivizing subscriptions.

6. Total Amount of Recurring Payments

  • What it is: Indicates the total amount of recurring payments, such as monthly or annual subscriptions. It includes the purchase of vouchers, physical products, and custom payments.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high value here is positive, as it indicates a solid base of recurring revenue, which contributes to the financial stability of your center.

7. Total Amount of Credits 

  • What it is: This field shows the total value of credits (if applicable) generated by the clients

🔖 Interpretation:

If your center uses credits as a payment method, this data will help you monitor how much your clients are using in this format.

    8. Total Number of One-Time Payments, Recurring Payments, and Credits

    • What it is: This indicator shows the total number of transactions made, including one-time payments, recurring payments, and credits.

    🔖 Interpretation:

    If the number of one-time payments is low compared to recurring payments, you might be attracting more clients subscribed to ongoing services, which is positive for stability.

      9. Total Number of One-Time Payments

      • What it is: Shows the number of one-time payments made by clients.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      If this number is low, it may suggest that your clients prefer recurring payments or that one-time payment products are not attracting enough interest.

      10. Total Number of Recurring Payments

      • What it is: The total number of recurring payment transactions.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This indicator shows the number of times clients have made a recurring payment, reflecting customer loyalty and retention.

      11. Total Number of Credits

      • What it is: This shows the total number of transactions made using credits, if this method is in use.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This indicator shows the number of times clients have used credits for transactions, providing insight into the popularity and usage of the credit system within your business.


      This report is an essential tool for monitoring the financial health of your center. Through metrics like Total Clients, Average Ticket, and LTV, you can assess client behavior and income stability. Additionally, the breakdown between One-Time and Recurring Payments provides a clear view of your clients' payment preferences, allowing you to adjust your commercial and retention strategies accordingly.


      The detailed payments report provides a more granular view of all transactions made by the members of your business. Here you will find detailed information for each payment, including the type of product, payment method, transaction status, and more. This report allows you to analyze the specific details of your clients' payments for better financial management.

      At the top of the report, there are several filters that allow you to adjust the data according to your needs:

      •  Center: Filter the data by one or more specific centers.
        Product Type: Select which types of products or services you want to analyze (e.g., subscriptions, vouchers, products, and credits).
        Product: Choose specific products you want to analyze.
        Payment Method: Filter results based on the type of payment, such as cash, credit card, bank transfer, etc.
        Status: Allows you to view only transactions that are Approved, Pending, or Unpaid.
        Member and Employee: Filter by a specific member or employee to view their payment history.
        Registration Date: Select the date range for the query.
        Last Update:Indicates the date and time of the last update of the report, which is useful for knowing if the data is current.

      Report Table Data 

      For a more specific analysis, a table is provided with details of all payments made by your clients.

      The information displayed for each payment in this table includes the following:

      1. Registration Date and Time

      • What it is: Displays the date and time when the transaction was recorded in the system.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      These columns allow you to know when the transaction was processed, which is useful for verifying that payments are recorded correctly.

      2. Value Date

      • What it is: Shows the date on which the transaction was made or is expected to be made, meaning when the payment was actually processed.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is useful for identifying when payments were made and ensuring they match the dates agreed upon with the client. If the dates do not match, there might be issues with processing.

      3. Member

      • What it is: Indicates the name of the client or member who made the payment.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This allows you to easily identify which clients are making payments and what products or services they have purchased.

      3. Product

      • What it is: Indicates the name of the product or service purchased by the member.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is important for identifying which products are generating revenue and which promotions or special sessions are being used. You can also assess the popularity of certain services.

      4. Price

      • What it is: The price of the product or service that has been charged to the client.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This allows you to verify that the prices charged are correct according to what was agreed upon with the client. If any price is 0, it is likely a free product or a special promotion.

      5. Discount

      • What it is: Shows the percentage or amount of discount applied to the transaction.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      Useful for verifying if promotional discounts have been correctly applied. You can track promotions and their impact on revenue.

      6. Coupon

      • What it is: If a coupon was used to get a discount, the name of the coupon will appear here.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This allows you to identify how many clients are using coupons and analyze the effectiveness of coupon campaigns or promotions.

      7. % Tax

      • What it is: Shows the total amount of tax applied to the payment and the corresponding percentage.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is essential to ensure that you are charging taxes correctly according to local laws. An incorrect value can impact your accounting.

      8. Source

      • What it is: Indicates whether the transaction was processed manually or automatically (e.g., through Stripe).

      🔖 Interpretation:

      If manual transactions are frequent, it might be useful to consider if automated processes could improve efficiency.

      9. Employee

      • What it is: Shows the name of the employee who managed or participated in the payment process.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is useful for tracking internal management and verifying who is responsible for each transaction.

      10. Payment Method

      • What it is: Indicates how the payment was made (e.g., Cash, Credit Card, Transfer).

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It allows you to see which payment methods your customers prefer and if any are causing issues. If transactions with a specific method are frequently problematic, you might want to review that method with your payment service provider.

      11. Type

      • What it is: Shows whether the payment is one-time or recurring.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      Recurring payments indicate active subscriptions, which is important for analyzing customer retention. A low number of recurring payments might suggest issues with customer loyalty.

      12. Subscription Start and End 

      • What it is: Indicates the start and end dates of subscriptions.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It allows you to see how long subscriptions have been active and when they are scheduled to expire, which is key for planning retention and renewal strategies.

      13. Status

      • What it is: Indicates whether the transaction has been Approved, Pending, or Unpaid.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      The status is crucial for financial management. If many transactions are "Unpaid" or "Pending," you might have cash flow issues or problems with payment processing.

      14. ID Charge

      • What it is: A unique identifier for each transaction, useful for tracking and resolving issues.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      If you need to track a specific transaction, you can use this ID to easily locate it in payment systems or your financial management platform.

      💡 Recommendation:

      The TG Academy Detailed Payment Report is an essential tool for managing and analyzing the financial transactions of your center. Through this report, you can identify payment behavior patterns, monitor the effectiveness of your promotions and coupons, and ensure that taxes are being applied correctly. Additionally, it allows you to accurately track the status of payments, which is crucial for maintaining good financial health.


      The billing report provides a detailed view of the revenue generated by your business. This report includes key data such as gross revenue, payment platform commissions, and net profit.

      At the top of the report, you'll find a series of filters that allow you to adjust the displayed data according to your needs:

      • Center: Select the center for which you want to view billing information.
      • Product Type: Choose the type of products or services you want to analyze (e.g., subscriptions, passes, products, and credits).
      • Product: Select specific products you wish to analyze.
      • Member: Filter results by a particular member to view their specific transactions.
      • Registration Date: Select the date range to adjust the time period for which you want to see the information.
      • Last Updated: Indicates the date and time of the last report update, useful for knowing if the data is current.

      Billing Report

      Below, we guide you through each section of the report so you can make the most of the available information.*

      Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

      At the top of the report, you'll see the following key indicators:

      1.Total Gross Revenue (Including Taxes) 

      • What it is: Represents the total revenue generated from the sales of products or services, including taxes.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This metric provides an overview of the revenue generated before deducting any commissions or additional expenses. It is useful for assessing the total business volume over a specific period.

      2. Total Stripe Fees

      • What it is: Shows the total fees charged by Stripe, in case this payment processor is used.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It allows you to understand the costs associated with transactions processed by Stripe. Analyzing this metric will help you assess the impact of these fees on your net revenue.

      3. Total Trainingym Fees

      • What it is: Shows the fees charged by Trainingym as the provider of the payment module.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It allows you to understand the costs associated with transactions processed by Trainingym. Analyzing this metric will help you assess the impact of these fees on your net revenue.

      4. Net Profit (Including Taxes) 

      • What it is: Indicates the net profit after deducting commissions and other costs, but still including taxes.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This metric is crucial for understanding the profitability of your business. A high net profit suggests good management of revenue and costs, while a low value might indicate the need to review your pricing structure or operational expenses.

      Billing Details

      At the bottom of the report, you'll find a table that provides a detailed view of each transaction made. Below are the main columns in the table and how to interpret them:

      1. Registration Date and Value Date 

      • What it is: The Registration Date shows when the transaction was recorded in the system, while the Value Date indicates when the payment was actually made.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      These dates are useful for verifying payment timeliness and ensuring that there are no delays in recording revenue.

      2. ID Charge

      • What it is: A unique identifier for each transaction or payment.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This ID is useful for tracking specific transactions and resolving any disputes or inquiries related to a particular payment.

      3. Member

      • What it is: Indicates the name of the customer who made the payment.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This column is key for identifying which customers are generating revenue and for verifying the correct association of payments to customers.

      4. TIN

      • What it is: The customer's Tax Identification Number (TIN).

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This column is important for tax and billing purposes, especially if invoices need to be issued or taxes need to be reported.

      5. Email and Contact Information

      • What it is: Includes the customer's email and contact information.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is useful for maintaining a clear record of customers and facilitating follow-up in case it is necessary to contact them regarding any payment or billing issues.

      6. Product and Product ID 

      • What it is: Describes the product or service that the customer has purchased and its corresponding ID.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It allows you to identify which products are generating revenue and analyze which services or products are most popular.

      7. Payment Type 

      • What it is: Indicates whether the transaction is a one-time payment or a recurring payment.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is crucial for analyzing active subscriptions and one-time payments. A high number of recurring payments suggests that you have a stable and predictable revenue base.

      8. Subscription Start and End 

      • What it is: The start and end dates of the subscriptions.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      These dates allow you to track the duration of subscriptions and plan customer renewals in a timely manner.

      9. Source

      • What it is: Indicates whether the transaction was processed manually or automatically (via Stripe).

      🔖 Interpretation:

      Manual transactions may require more time and attention. If there are many manual transactions, it may be helpful to review the possibility of automating some processes to optimize efficiency.

      10. Payment Method 

      • What it is: Indicates the payment method used by the customer.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is useful for understanding your customers' payment preferences. Analyzing this data can help identify opportunities to offer additional payment methods or improve the payment experience.

      11. Price

      • What it is: The price that the customer has paid for the product or service.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This column allows you to verify if the prices charged are correct according to the service or product purchased.

      12. Discount

      • What it is: Shows the percentage or absolute value of any discount applied to the transaction.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      Useful for tracking promotions and discounts applied. If there are many discounts, you might analyze their impact on net profit.

      13. Coupon

      • What it is: If a coupon was used to apply a discount, the name of the coupon will appear here.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It helps you track the coupons used and analyze the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns.

      14. Tax and Tax Rate (%) 

      • What it is: The value and percentage of tax applied to the transaction.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It is important to ensure that taxes are being calculated correctly and are reflected in accordance with local regulations.

      15. Total Stripe Fees / Trainingym Fees 

      • What it is: Reflects the fees charged by each platform, such as Stripe or Trainingym.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      It allows you to see the impact of the fees on transactions and adjust your prices or fees if necessary to improve profit margins. The % TG Sale reflects the fee charged by Trainingym on a specific customer transaction. The % TG Center reflects the current commission rate your business has set with Trainingym. 

      Net Profit (Including Taxes)

      • What it is: The net profit after applying all costs, fees, and taxes for each transaction.

      🔖 Interpretation:

      This value is the most important for evaluating the profitability of each transaction. Ensure that the net profit is high enough to cover operational costs and generate a profit.

      💡 Recommendation:

      The Billing Report is a powerful tool for understanding the financial health of your center. By monitoring key indicators such as Gross Revenue, Applied Fees, and Net Profit, you can gain a clear view of your profitability. Additionally, the detailed analysis of each transaction in the billing table allows you to track prices, discounts, taxes, and fees to ensure effective financial management. Use this information to make strategic decisions that optimize revenue and control costs for your center.

      In conclusion, the payments report provides you with the tools necessary to control every aspect of your financial transactions, which is crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth of the center. When properly interpreted, these reports can drive more agile and effective decision-making, enhancing profitability and ensuring satisfaction for both customers and the team.