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  2. Trainingym Manager
  3. Manage your directed activities and reservations

How to edit my schedule of guided activities

Keeping the schedule of guided activities updated is essential to provide an optimal experience for your customers.

Keeping the schedule of guided activities updated is essential to providing an optimal experience for your clients. This not only ensures that clients have access to a variety of options that suit their interests and needs but also contributes to the overall satisfaction of their experience at your center. 

Additionally, by regularly updating the activity offerings, you can effectively respond to demand and current market trends, ensuring there is always something new and exciting to discover. This, in turn, not only improves the perception of the service but can also have a positive impact on your center's occupancy and profitability by encouraging more clients to feel motivated to book and attend the scheduled activities.

What content will we cover in this tutorial?

  1. Multiple Editing Options
    1. Multiple activity removal
    2. Duplicate activity schedule
      1. Clone Activities
      2. Copy and Paste Activities
  2. Filter activities

Next, we explain everything to you step by step.

Multiple Editing Options

To perform a bulk edit of activities, click on the Bulk Edit button.


IMPORTANT: When selecting the activities you want to edit together, you must keep the following aspects in mind:

  • The maximum limit of activities that can be edited with the "MULTIPLE EDITING" option is 50.  
  • It is not possible to modify activities that have already been completed, including those conducted or started during the current day.

Next, after clicking on Multiple Edit, a pop-up window will allow you to edit the fields you want to modify in bulk.

Keep in mind: Include an option only in the fields you wish to modify. Leave the rest of the fields "blank" so they remain as previously configured in each of the selected activities.


💡 NEW: We’ve added the option to SEGMENT your classes and services through "bulk editing," streamlining this process. Learn how to do it by clicking. Here

  • IS IT BOOKABLE? If your center has contracted the Booking Module, you will be able to determine whether the selected activities will be bookable or not. If so, you must edit the maximum number of bookable spots through the APP and Web.

* Remember that the NUMBER OF RESERVABLE SPOTS cannot exceed the number of spots available for the activity/activities.

  • Is it NUMBERED? This field will allow you to determine whether the selected activities will have NUMBERED seats or not. If yes, you must edit the number of rows in which the seats are displayed.  
  • TECHNICIAN OPENING? If your center has contracted the Reservations Module, you can determine whether the activities shown on the CLASS ACCESS TABLETS need to be opened by a technician before clients can validate their access.  
  • HIDE? Decide whether you want to display the selected activities in the activity schedule visible to your clients (App and web profile).

Next, a pop-up window will allow you to choose between 3 editing options:

  • Only selected. Activities will be edited only on the selected days and times.  
  • Selected and related to be delivered. All activities that match the day and time of the selected ones and are pending delivery will be edited.  
  • Selected between dates. All activities that match the day and time of the selected ones within the chosen dates will be edited.  

Multiple deletion of activities

To do this, select the activities you want to delete and click the 🗑 Delete Selected button

Next, a pop-up window will allow you to choose between 3 deletion options:

  • Only selected. Activities will only be deleted on the selected days and times.  
  • Selected and related to teaching. All activities that coincide in day and time with the selected ones and are pending to be taught will be deleted.  
  • Selected between dates. All activities that coincide in day and time with the selected ones within the chosen dates will be deleted.  

Duplicate activity schedule

From the activity schedule administration menu, you have two key functionalities at your disposal: copy and clone activities. Both tools allow efficient management of the activity calendar, avoiding the manual and repetitive creation of events.

  • Clone Activities: This option allows you to duplicate all activities from a selected day and overwrite them on the dates you choose.

📌 Warning:  

It is important to note that cloned activities will be completely independent from the originals. If subsequent modifications are made to the cloned activities or bookings, these changes will not affect the original activities.


To do this, select the day or days from the schedule that you want to duplicate in the future and click the button📄 Clone day.

Clone schedule between dates  

Next, a pop-up window will allow you to select the date range within which to duplicate the schedule of the selected days.

📌 Remember: The schedule for the selected day or days will be cloned to the same days of the week as those chosen within the specified date range. For example, if we copy the schedule of a Monday, that schedule can only be copied to the selected Monday or Mondays within the date range.

🚨¡Atención! You must consider two important aspects when cloning the schedule:  

👉 If the day you are duplicating the schedule contains scheduled activities, they will be deleted, and only the duplicated activities will be displayed.  

👉 If you use the option to duplicate with the previously filtered schedule (e.g., by activity, room, employee, etc.), the entire schedule programmed for that day or days will be duplicated, not just the filtered elements.  


  • Copy and Paste Activities: Unlike cloning, the copy functionality allows you to select specific activities to copy and paste them on other days of the calendar.

📌 AWarning:  

Copied activities are also independent of the originals, allowing you to edit or adjust both the activities and reservations without affecting the originals.


To do this, select the scheduled activities you want to replicate in the future and click the 📄 Copy and Paste button.

Copy and paste schedule between dates

Next, a pop-up window will allow you to select the destination date to which you want to add the selected activities.


📌 Remember: The schedule or activities of the selected day will be copied to the chosen day, regardless of whether the selected day matches the same day of the week being copied.  If there are already scheduled activities on the chosen day, the copied activities will be added to those already existing on the selected day.

Filter activities

Once you have scheduled your activities, Trainingym Manager allows you to filter them to view only the ones you want at any given time.

There are various filters you can apply. We show you which ones they are:

  • Search by activity name: This would be the main search engine that allows you to narrow down by the name of the activity.
  • Filter by employee: This filter will show you a dropdown menu with all available employees. Clicking on the employee's name will display the activities for which that monitor has been included in the "Technician" field when scheduling an activity.
  • Filter by activity type: This filter allows you to independently view activities that are bookable and those that are not.
  • Filter by effort level: Using the Borg Scale as a reference, you can filter your activities based on the effort level with which they have been configured.
  • Filter by room: This filter allows you to view activities depending on the room in which they are scheduled.
  • Filter by activity group: Depending on the group to which an activity belongs, this filter will allow you to narrow them down visually.
  • Filter by activity: Just like with the search engine, this tab allows you to choose the activities to display by name.
  • Filter by validation: As a new feature, you can now also filter activities by their current status, meaning whether the activities are still pending (or awaiting validation), whether they have been canceled, or, on the contrary, whether they have already been validated.

It's important to remember the colors that indicate the validation status of activities:

  • Circle in gray: Pending activity  
  • Circle in green: Validated activity  
  • Circle in red: Canceled activity