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How Can I Edit My Workout in the Trainingym 4.0 App?

Easily edit and customize your workout routine from your mobile device with our app.

Do you want to quickly search for a workout based on your fitness goal, edit the load of an exercise, or add an activity to your routine? Now it's possible from your device with our new workout editor!

Below, we detail how to perform each of these actions.

  • Search and filter routines by fitness goal.
  • View the details of a routine before assigning it to yourself.
  • See the validation date for each of your workout sessions.
  • Validate, cancel, replace, and delete exercises from the session view without having to access each exercise individually.
  • Add exercises, activities, or sports to your ongoing workout session.
  • Edit various load parameters for an exercise or the sports added to your session.
  • Review your load history.
  • Add, edit, and delete sets for an exercise.
  • End your workout session without needing to validate all the exercises.


Search and Filter Routines by Fitness Goal

Now it's even easier to find a routine that suits your goals. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in to your app using your username/email and password.
  2. Access the routine selection screen. You have two options:
    • Tap "Start today, request your workout" from the Today’s Menu.
    • Tap "Choose your workout" from the My Center menu.
  3. Enter the name of the routine or associated fitness goal in the search bar, or tap the "Filter by" button and select the desired goal.
  4. Choose the routine that best fits your needs.

💡 Note: To view this image in full size, right-click and select "Open image in new tab."


View the Details of a Routine Before Assigning It to Yourself

Review the sessions and exercises included in a routine in detail before assigning it to yourself.
You can check the routine’s description, the number of exercises, the load data, and the repetitions.

To do this, simply tap on the desired routine and then on each session. If you want to review the details of an exercise, tap the "View Details" button.

💡 Note: To be able to self-assign a routine, your fitness center must have this functionality enabled. For more information, consult with your center's staff.

See the Validation Date for Each of Your Workout Sessions

If you want to know when you completed a workout, you can find this information just below each session you’ve validated.

Validate, Cancel, Replace, and Delete Exercises from the Session View

Now you can validate, cancel, replace, or delete exercises from the session view without having to access each exercise individually.

Tap the button with the 3 orange dots [ ... ] next to "View Details" to open the dropdown menu and select the desired option.

You can also cancel, replace, and delete exercises from sessions you’ve already validated. Additionally, you can select the reason why you chose to cancel that particular exercise.

Add Exercises, Activities, or Sports to Your Ongoing Workout Session

Within the ongoing session of the routine, you can add exercises, activities, or sports. Here’s how:

Add Exercises

First, scroll down to the end of the session where you’ll find the "+ Add" button.
Tap on it to access the different options offered by the tool.

You have several ways to add Strength, Mobility, or Cardio exercises:

  • Type the name of the exercise you want to add in the search bar.
  • Tap the Strength, Mobility, or Cardio button to select the type of exercises you want to display.

💡 Note: The tool also allows you to filter by muscle groups if you have selected Strength or Mobility using the "Filter by" button.

Add Activities and Sports

You can add available Activities from your fitness center or Sports to your workout session as follows:

  1. Tap the "Activity" button.
  2. Navigate sideways between the two Result groups that appear on the screen (Center Classes and Sports) and select the activity you want to add to your session.
  3. Tap "Filter by" and select whether you want to display results for Center Classes or Sports. Choose the desired activity to add it to your workout session.

Edit Various Load Parameters for an Exercise or the Sports Added to Your Session

Within an exercise, you can review and edit different load parameters.

The editable parameters for strength and mobility exercises are:

  • Repetitions
  • Weight
  • % Load
  • Execution time
  • Rest time between sets

The editable parameters for cardio exercises are:

  • Repetitions
  • Distance
  • Execution time
  • Rest time between sets

To edit these parameters, tap on the exercise in question. Once inside the exercise, just tap the pencil icon to the right of each parameter and enter the number you want to add. Don’t forget to save so that the edited parameter is correctly recorded.

📌 Important: Exercises can be edited even if they have been validated, as long as the session in progress has not been completed.

Just like with exercises, if you’ve added any sport to your ongoing workout session, you can edit some of its parameters.

The editable parameters for sports are:

  • Duration
  • Distance

📌 Important: For both exercises and activities, you can add notes with a maximum length of 500 characters.

Review Your Load History

You can now access your load history, where you can review, by date, the loads and editable parameters entered for different exercises.

To review it, access an exercise and tap the "History" button in the top right corner. The results will be displayed in a list, categorized by month and ordered by date (from most recent to oldest).

To check a specific date, tap "Details" to the right of it.

Add, Edit, and Delete Sets for an Exercise

If you want to add, edit, or delete sets for a specific exercise, you can do so as follows:

  1. Tap on an exercise to access it.
  2. Scroll down to the "+ Add" button.
  3. Edit or delete the sets you’ve added.

End Your Workout Session Without Needing to Validate All the Exercises

When you feel you’ve completed your workout session, you can tap the "End Session" button. If the tool detects that you have unvalidated exercises, an informational screen will appear asking if you want to validate these exercises with three possible responses:

  • Yes, validate everything
  • No, end without validating them
  • Continue with the session

This way, you can end the routine without needing to validate all the exercises.