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Limit User Account Linking to a Single Device

Do you want to restrict your partners so they can only have their account linked to a single device?

Trainingym now gives you the ability to ensure your clients cannot be logged into multiple devices simultaneously.

What will we cover in this tutorial?

  • Configuration from Manager
  • Device unlinking
  • Device linking by the end user
  • Considerations for multi-center clients
  • Permission activation across multiple centers

We’ll explain everything step by step. 📝


What does this improvement entail?

This new feature allows you to limit so that if a member logs in on one device, for example, an iPhone, and then tries to access their account from another device, they will be shown an informative message and will not be able to log in from this new device.

Configuration from Manager

This option is configured from Manager. To activate it, follow these steps:

  • Access Manager: Go to the "My Center" menu.
  • Select the "App" option: Within this section, you'll find several customization options.

  • Expand the members' permissions: Here you will find the option to limit the linking of user accounts to a single device.
  • Activate the permission and save to apply the changes.

If this permission is deactivated, users will be able to log in on multiple devices (iPhone, Android, tablet, etc.). When activated, only one device per account will be allowed.

Practical Example 🤓

Let's see how it works in practice:

  • Activate the permission: Select "Limit the linking of user accounts to a single device" and save the changes.
  • Account review: Logged-in users will appear with the linked device in their record. For example, if Camila was logged in on an iPhone 12 Pro Max, this information will be shown in her record.
  • Attempt to access from another device: If Camila tries to access from an Android, the app will indicate that it is not possible and she will need to contact the center to resolve it.

Device Linking by the End User

For a device to be linked, the end user only needs to log in with their usual access credentials.

If the "Limit the linking of user accounts to a single device" permission is activated, the device from which the client has logged in will be displayed on their member card.

Let’s look at the different cases:

  • Member has not yet logged in on the app since their record was created: If the user has never logged in on the app, the "Linked Device" field in their member record will appear blank (although disabled/non-editable).

  • Member logs in for the first time after activating the permission: The device from which they have logged in will be displayed in the "Access to the app" section, under the "Linked Device" field.

  • Member logged in on a device before the permission was activated: Their record will display the device from which they had the session initiated.

⚠️ Attention!

If a member tries to log in on a different device to the one their account is linked to, a warning will be displayed on the app's login screen.

Device Unlinking

The center's staff can assist users in unlinking a device:

  • Access the member's record in Manager.
  • In the "Access to the app" section, you will see a new field called "Linked Device". This field appears disabled (non-editable).
  • Here, the device (model) from which the client has logged in should be displayed.
  • Select the unlinking button.

  • Confirm the action: A confirmation modal will appear. Upon acceptance, the device will be unlinked and the user will be able to log in on a new device.

Considerations for Multi-center Clients

In cases of multi-center members (with a single account they can access various centers of the same chain), several aspects are important to consider.

  • If all centers have activated the "Limit the linking of user accounts to a single device" permission, when the client logs in on the app, all accounts will be linked to the same device. If they attempt to access with another device, they will receive the same informational message as clients with access to a single center.

  • If any of the centers have not activated the "Limit the linking of user accounts to a single device" permission, when the user logs in, they will choose the center to access, and their device will be linked to that center. If they later access with another device, they will see the account "locked" that is linked to the first device, but they will be able to access without issues the account or accounts in which the center does not have the permission activated.

Permission Activation in Multiple Centers

If a client has accounts in various centers (multi-center) and the staff gradually activates the "Limit the linking of user accounts to a single device" permission, the member will encounter the following case:

  • If they already have sessions initiated on different devices and share the same account in all the centers that activate the permission, the account will be linked to the device where they logged in for the first time when the permission was activated.
  • When trying to open the app on any of the other devices where they had the session initiated, the session will close, and a warning message will be displayed informing that the account is locked (indicating that the account is already linked to another device).