Exercise Programs Report

This report provides you with a comprehensive overview of the status of the programs assigned in your business.

The Exercise Programs Report shows you how many programs have been completed, validated, or canceled, as well as the level of self-assignment by members. This report is essential for understanding how the programs are being used, evaluating the effectiveness of employees in assigning them, and measuring the completion rate.

What content will we cover in this tutorial?

  1. General Report
    1. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  2. Employee Report
    1. Employee Performance Table
    2. Assigned, Validated, and Canceled Chart
  3. Monthly Report
    1. Monthly Breakdown Table
    2. Programs Distribution Chart
  4. Details Report
    1. Data Breakdown by Program

Next, we'll explain everything to you step by step.

To access this report, go to the menu Reports > Training > Programs from Trainingym Manager. 

Exercise Programs Report

📌 Warning:

If you can't find the report through the mentioned path (Reports > Training > Programs), you need to access your employee permission from the My Center > Permissions menu and enable the corresponding option

Abaixo, explicamos cada seção do relatório e como você pode interpretar os dados para obter o máximo benefício.

General 📊

This report is essential for understanding how the programs are being used, evaluating the effectiveness of employees in assigning them, and measuring the completion rateSeção geral do relatório

At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs:

  • Assignment Date: You can select the date range in which you want to analyze the assigned programs.

📌 Caution:

When setting up the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Center: This filter allows you to select a specific center if you manage more than one, so that only the data from that center is displayed.

  • Last Update: Shows the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to know if the data is current

Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Right below the filters, you'll see a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that summarize the status of the programs. Below, we explain each of them and how to interpret them:

Assigned Programs

  • What it is: The total number of programs that have been assigned to members during the selected period.

🔖 Interpretation:

This value gives you an idea of the activity level in terms of program assignments. If the number is low, it could be a signal to promote the assignment of more personalized programs or encourage self-assignment by members.

Average Rating

  • What it is: Reflects the average satisfaction rating of the validated programs by members, on a scale from 1 to 5.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high average indicates that the validated programs are being well received by the members, suggesting they are well-structured and meet the clients' expectations and goals.


  • What it is: The total number of programs that have been successfully completed by members.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high value here indicates that members are completing the programs, which is a good indicator of engagement and the program's adaptation to members' needs. If this value is low compared to the number of assignments, you may want to analyze why members are not finishing the programs.


  • What it is: Shows how many programs have been validated by members upon completion.

🔖 Interpretation:

If the number of validated programs is low, it might be necessary to remind members to validate the programs after completing them, or to review if these programs truly meet the members' needs.


  • What it is: Reflects the total number of programs that have been canceled before being completed.


A high number of cancellations indicates that many members are not completing the assigned programs. This could be due to a lack of interest or difficulties in following the program. It's important to analyze the causes to implement improvements.

Assigned by Employee

  • What it is: Shows how many programs have been assigned by employees out of the total.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of programs assigned by employees indicates that the staff is actively involved in personalizing programs for members. If this number is low, you might want to review the assignment strategies used by the team.

% Assigned by Employees 

  • What it is: The percentage of programs that have been directly assigned by employees.

🔖 Interpretation:

This metric is useful for comparing the effectiveness of employees in program assignment versus self-assignment by members.


  • What it is: Indicates the number of programs that have been self-assigned by the members themselves.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of self-assigned programs indicates that members are taking the initiative to select programs on their own, which is positive for customer autonomy and engagement. If this number is low, it could be an opportunity to improve the offering of self-assignable programs.

% Completed 

  • What is: The percentage of assigned programs that have been successfully completed


🔖 Interpretation:

A high completion percentage indicates a good level of commitment and adherence by the members, as well as the program's adaptation to the members' needs. If this value is low, you might want to analyze the reasons why members are not completing the programs.

% Canceled

  • What is: The percentage of programs that have been canceled.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high cancellation percentage can be concerning and may require a review of the programs offered or the follow-up processes to prevent members from abandoning their programs before completion.

Not Completed

  • What is: It reflects the total number of programs that have not been completed but have not been canceled either.

🔖 Interpretation:

These programs may be in progress or on hold. It is important to monitor how many of these programs are eventually completed or turn into cancellations.

💡 Recommendation:

The Programs Report provides a detailed overview of the performance of assigned, validated, and completed programs in your facility. The key indicators allow you to measure the effectiveness of employees in program assignments, as well as the level of self-assignment by members. Analyzing completed and canceled programs is essential to identify areas for improvement and adjust follow-up and motivation strategies to ensure that members complete their programs and remain engaged.

This report is a valuable tool for adjusting your strategies, improving member retention, and enhancing the effectiveness of your employees in program management.



This report is essential for evaluating the efficiency of employees in program management and their impact on member satisfaction. Below, we break down the key metrics and explain how to interpret the data to improve program management and your team's performance.

Apartado Empleado del informe Programas

At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs.

  • Assignment Date: You can select the date range in which you want to analyze the assigned programs.

📌 Caution:

When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Location: This filter allows you to select a specific location if you manage more than one, so only the data for that particular location is displayed
  • Last Update: Shows the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to ensure that the data is current.

Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented. 

Performance by Employee Table

Performance by Employee Table

Below the filters, you will find a table that breaks down the activities related to the programs assigned by each employee. Here’s an explanation of each column and how to interpret the data:

1. Empleado

  • What is: The name of the employee who has assigned programs to the members.

🔖 Interpretation:

This allows you to see the individual performance of each employee, enabling you to compare it with other employees.

2. Total Assigned

  • What is: The total number of programs the employee has assigned.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number reflects the employee's activity in assigning programs. If this number is low compared to other employees, it may be necessary to encourage more involvement in program assignments.

3. Validated

  • What is: Shows how many of the programs assigned by the employee have been validated by the members.

🔖 nterpretation:

A high number of validated programs indicates that the programs assigned by that employee are being completed and positively valued by the members. If the number is low, it may suggest that the assigned programs are not being adequately followed by the members.

4. Cancelados

  • What is: Indicates how many programs assigned by the employee have been canceled.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of cancellations may indicate that members are not completing the assigned programs. It's necessary to investigate if the programs are not suitable or if members are facing difficulties in completing them.

5. % Validated

  • What is: The percentage of programs assigned by the employee that have been validated.

🔖 Interpretation:

This percentage indicates the effectiveness of the employee in assigning programs that are followed and validated by the members. If this percentage is low, the employee may need to improve the customization of the assigned programs or their follow-up.

6. Average Rating

  • What is: Reflects the average satisfaction rating of the programs assigned by that employee, on a scale from 1 to 5.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high average indicates that members positively value the programs assigned by that employee. If the value is low, it may be necessary to review the quality of the programs offered.

7. Score (Rating * % Validated) 

  • What is: This indicator combines the average rating and the percentage of validated programs, providing a "score" or efficiency rating for the employee.


🔖 Interpretation:

A low score suggests that even if the programs are well-rated, few members are validating them, or that members complete them but do not rate them positively. This may indicate the need to review the assignments or improve motivation for validation.

Chart of Assigned, Validated, and Canceled

Chart of Assigned, Validated, and Canceled Programs

Below the table, you will see a Bar Chart that compares the number of Assigned, Validated, and Canceled programs for each employee.

Chart Elements:

  • Blue Bars: Reflect the number of programs assigned by each employee.
  • Green Bars: Show how many programs were validated.
  • Red Bars: Indicate how many programs were canceled.

How to Interpret the Chart:

🔖 Interpretation:

  • Visual Comparisons: This chart allows you to quickly compare the performance of each employee. For instance, you might observe that Juan Jesús Romera has a large number of assigned programs but also a high number of cancellations. Meanwhile, Soporte Técnico Trainingym has fewer assignments but a higher percentage of validated programs.
  • Actions Based on the Chart: If an employee has many cancellations compared to validations, it may be necessary to review how they are assigning programs or if members are experiencing difficulties in completing them.

💡 Recommendation:

The Programs by Employee Report provides a clear view of employee performance in the assignment, validation, and cancellation of programs. With this data, you can identify employees who excel in assigning effective programs and those who may need additional support or training to improve their results. The chart and table allow you to visually compare performance and make informed decisions to enhance member experience and optimize program management in your facility.

Mensual 📅


This report is a key tool for analyzing the effectiveness of the programs offered to members, evaluating employee performance, and optimizing program assignment and follow-up strategies. 

Monthly Section of the Programs Report

At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs.

  • Year: Select the year you want to analyze.
  • Location: This filter allows you to select a specific location if you manage more than one, so only the data for that particular location is displayed.
  • Last Update: Shows the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to ensure that the data is current.

Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented.

Monthly Breakdown Table

Monthly breakdown table

Below the filters, you'll see a table with a monthly breakdown of the data. Here’s an explanation of each column in the table and how to interpret the information:


1. Assigned

  • What is: The total number of programs assigned in that month.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of assigned programs indicates that employees or members have been active during that month.

2. Completed

  • What is: Shows how many programs were completed by members in that mont.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of completed programs reflects good member engagement.

3. % Completed

  • What is: The percentage of assigned programs that have been completed.


A high completion percentage suggests that the programs are being effectively followed by the members. If the percentage is low, it may be necessary to review the programs to see if they can be made more accessible or appealing.

4. Validated

  • What is: Indicates how many of the completed programs were validated by the members.

🔖 Interpretation:

A low number of validations could mean that members are not completing the validation process once they finish the program. It might be necessary to educate members on the importance of validating the programs or to simplify the validation process.

5. % Validated

  • What is: The percentage of assigned programs that have been validated.

🔖 Interpretation:

If the validation percentage is low despite having a high number of completions, this could indicate the need for a reminder or incentive for members to validate the completed programs.

6. Canceled

  • What is: Reflects the number of programs canceled during that month.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of cancellations is a warning sign, as it indicates that members are not completing the assigned programs. It is crucial to analyze the reasons why members are abandoning the programs.

7. % Canceled

  • What is: The percentage of canceled programs in relation to the assigned programs.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high cancellation percentage, such as 88% in January, is concerning and suggests that many members are not completing their programs. This may require a review of the content or format of the programs to prevent future cancellations.

8. Not Completed

  • What is: Shows how many programs have not been completed but have not been canceled either.

🔖 Interpretation:

These programs might be in progress, so it's important to follow up to ensure they are completed. If this number is high, it could indicate that members are losing interest in the programs halfway through.

9. Employees 

  • What is: Indicates how many employees were involved in assigning programs that month.


This data is useful for assessing team involvement in program management. If the number of employees assigning programs is low, it may be necessary to better distribute responsibilities or encourage more team participation.

10. % Employees

  • What is: The percentage of programs assigned by employees compared to those self-assigned by members.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high percentage of employee-assigned programs indicates that employees are actively managing the programs. If this percentage is low, you might encourage more personalized program assignments by the employees.

11. Self-Assigned 

  • What is: The number of programs that members have self-assigned.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of self-assignments, like 733 in August, suggests that members are interested in managing their own progress, which is positive for customer autonomy.

12. % Self-Assigned

  • What is: The percentage of programs that members have self-assigned.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high percentage of self-assignments suggests that members are interested in managing their own progress, which is positive for customer autonomy.

Program Distribution Chart

Program Distribution Chart

Below the table, you'll find a chart that shows the Program Distribution by Year. This chart allows you to visualize how the assigned, canceled, completed, and validated programs are distributed throughout the months.

Chart Elements:

  • Assigned (White Bars): Represents the number of programs assigned each month.
  • % Canceled (Gray Lines): Shows the percentage of programs canceled each month.
  • % Completed (Black Lines): Represents the percentage of programs completed.
  • % Validated (Green Lines): Indicates the percentage of programs validated.
  • % Self-Assigned (Red Lines): Reflects the percentage of programs that were self-assigned by members.
  • % Employees (Blue Lines): Shows the percentage of programs assigned by employees.

How to Interpret the Chart: 


  • Monthly Trends: This chart allows you to observe behavioral trends throughout the year. For example, in January, there was a high number of cancellations (88%), suggesting it may have been a challenging month for member retention in the programs.
  • Action Based on the Chart: If you notice that cancellations are consistently high in certain months, you could review the programs offered during those periods and adjust their difficulty, duration, or focus to make them more appealing and reduce the cancellation rate.

💡 Recommendation:

The Monthly Programs Report provides a clear and comprehensive view of program performance throughout the year. Through the table and chart, you can analyze the assignment, completion, validation, and cancellation of programs by month, allowing you to identify patterns and areas for improvement. This report is key for adjusting your program management strategies, enhancing member satisfaction and retention, and optimizing your team's efficiency.


This report is a crucial tool for tracking member performance and satisfaction with the programs offered, whether assigned by employees or self-assigned by the members themselves.

Details Section of the Programs Report

At the top of the report, you have several filters available that allow you to adjust the information displayed according to your needs.

  • Assignment Date: You can select a date range to filter the programs assigned within a specific period

📌 Caution:
When setting the date range for the query, start with the end date, as it can never be earlier than the start date.

  • Type of Assignment: Allows you to filter based on whether the programs were self-assigned by members or assigned by employees.
  • Employees: Filters the programs according to the employee who assigned them.
  • Members: You can select a specific member to view only the programs assigned to that person.
  • Status: Filters the programs based on their validation status (canceled, pending, and validated).
  • Last Update: Shows the date and time of the last report update, which is useful to ensure that the data is current.

    Next, we will explain each of the key components of this report and how to interpret the data presented.

Data Breakdown by Program

Data Breakdown by Program

The table in this report provides a detailed breakdown of the assigned programs, featuring the following key columns:

1. Assignment Date

  • What is: Shows the date when the program was assigned to the member.

🔖 Interpretation:

It allows you to see when the assignment was made. If you notice that there are programs assigned a long time ago that have not been validated, a reminder or follow-up with the members might be necessary.

2. Program

  • What is: Indicates the name of the assigned program.

🔖 Interpretation:

It helps you identify which specific programs are being assigned and whether some programs are more successful than others, based on validations and ratings.

3. Member

  • What is: The name of the member to whom the program was assigned

🔖 Interpretation:

This information allows you to see the programs assigned to each member. If certain members are not validating or completing the programs, it might be helpful to reach out to them to understand the reasons and offer assistance.

4. Assigned By 

  • O que é: Indica se o programa foi auto-atribuído pelo parceiro ou atribuído por um funcionário.

🔖 Interpretation:

A high number of self-assigned programs reflects the member's initiative to participate in the programs without direct employee intervention. If most programs are self-assigned, it could be a positive sign that members are committed to their progress.

5. Validation

  • What is: Indicates whether the program was validated by the member.


Validation confirms that the member completed the program and reviewed it. A low number of validations might suggest that members are completing the programs but not going through the validation process. This could indicate the need for an incentive or a reminder to validate.

6. Validation Date 

  • What is: Indicates the date on which the member validated the program.

🔖 Interpretation:

It allows you to see how much time passed between assignment and validation. If members take a long time to validate, you might consider implementing strategies to encourage them to complete and validate the programs more quickly.

7. Average Rating

  • What is: Reflects the average rating given by the member to the program, on a scale of 1 to 5.

🔖 Interpretation:

This column is crucial for measuring the member's satisfaction with the program. A high average rating, such as 3.67 or 5 in this report, indicates that members are satisfied with the content and quality of the program. If the average rating is low, you may need to adjust the programs or gather feedback from members to understand what can be improved.

General Interpretation

This report provides a clear view of the performance of the assigned programs, including member satisfaction and the efficiency of the validation process.

Here are some key points to consider when analyzing the report:

  • Self-Assignments: If you notice that most programs are self-assigned and have good ratings, this suggests that members are motivated and find value in the programs offered.
  • Pending Validations: If members are not validating the programs despite completing them, you may need to remind them of the importance of this process to measure their satisfaction and improve the program offerings in the future.
  • Low Ratings: If the ratings are consistently low, it may be necessary to adjust the content or structure of the programs to improve them.

💡 Recommendation:

The Detailed Programs Report is a valuable tool for tracking the performance of programs in your facility. By analyzing information such as assignment and validation dates, ratings, and the type of assignment, you can measure member engagement and their level of satisfaction with the programs offered. This report will also help you identify areas where follow-up or program content needs improvement to ensure a better experience for the members.

The Programs Report is a fundamental tool for evaluating the effectiveness of the programs offered in your facility, member participation, and employee performance in assigning and following up on these programs.

This report will allow you to identify behavior patterns, detect areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your program strategies. A high number of self-assignments and positive ratings indicate that members are motivated and satisfied with the programs, while a low validation percentage or high cancellation rates may suggest the need for adjustments in the programs offered or in communication with members.