Glossary of Payment Terms

Do you have questions about any of the terms used in the Trainingym Payments module? Don't worry, use our glossary to resolve your doubts.

In this article, we present a complete glossary that includes the most relevant terms of the Trainingym Payments module, along with their respective definitions. To facilitate your consultation, we have organized the terms in alphabetical order.


  • Update Price: Allows updating the price of a recurring subscription. The new price will apply from the next payment. The customer must be informed of this price update as this operation will be executed without their consent.
  • Cancel Scheduled Pause: Cancels the setup for a scheduled pause of a subscription.
  • Voucher: A one-time payment product that may be limited by sessions or expiration days.
  • Redemption: Number of sessions or credits that an activity/service costs.
  • Grace Period: Number of days a member has to make their payment before the associated payment is marked as "Unpaid."
  • Wallet: Section of the app from which one can access the Payments module, purchase subscriptions, review consumed sessions, or available services.
  • Communications: In this section, you can configure the email through which you will receive different communications from Payments.
  • Credits: A non-editable virtual currency that can be purchased in packs and used to pay for bookings for activities and services.
  • Coupon: A discount applicable during the payment process, linked to a code.
  • Discount: Applies a discount percentage to all of the customer's fees. Available only during payment registration and creation of subscriptions in Manager.
  • Easy: A customizable web page where you can show all the advantages of your sports center to customers.
  • Edit Pause: Allows you to edit the parameters set for an immediate or scheduled pause.
  • Event: A paid activity or service for which a reservation has been made.
  • End Date: The date a subscription expires.
  • Start Date: The date a subscription begins (it activates, appears on app/web, and allows customers to make bookings). Payment cycles will consider this start date, if pro-rating is not activated.
  • Registration Date: Always the current day.
  • Value Date: The date a payment is recorded. It is editable and can be set to a past or future date. It can be edited once the payment is registered.
  • Start Date of Pause: Indicates the date when a recurring payment subscription will be paused. It can be the current day (immediate pause) or a future day (scheduled pause).
  • End Date of Pause: Indicates the date when the subscription will automatically resume, i.e., when the pause will end. It cannot be a date before the start date of the pause.
  • Membership: An "essential" rate or voucher that will trigger the registration of a client if purchased and will condition their deregistration when their subscriptions expire.
  • Credits Module: If active, it allows viewing the credits menu and adding credit packs that customers can purchase.
  • Products Module: If active, it allows viewing the Products menu, where you can create different types of products that your customers will enjoy.
  • Movements: Menu where you can consult reservations for paid activities and/or services.
  • Notifications: There are 3 types of Payments notifications that you can activate. These are: "New Subscriber," "Cancellation Requested," and "Subscription Expired."
  • Custom Payment: Payment not associated with any rate, voucher, or product that allows adjusting a member's balance.
  • Pause Subscription: Allows you to pause a recurring payment subscription. Recurring charges will be paused during the pause period. The payment cycle will adjust to the next selected payment date.
  • Periodicity: Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual. Refers to the payment recurrence.
  • Product (type): A one-time payment physical or digital product such as supplements or sports equipment.
  • Schedule Subscription Pause: Allows scheduling when a recurring payment subscription will be paused.
  • Prorate: Adjust the price of the first installment proportionally based on the days remaining until the next payment at the start of the following month.
  • Free Trial: Offers a "Free Trial" to your customers with a number of trial days. An initial charge of €0 will be made. Once the free trial days are consumed, a charge will be generated with the subscription price or the proportional part if pro-rating is activated. Only available for rates.
  • Resume Subscription: Immediately resumes the subscription, changing its status from "Paused" to "Active" and resuming the original contracting conditions.
  • Sessions: Number of available bookings included in a rate or voucher.
  • Subscriptions: Adhesions to rates or products, not necessarily marked as "Membership."
  • Stripe: An external payment gateway that automates collections via online payment methods such as bank cards or bank accounts.
  • Rate: A recurring payment fee. May or may not be limited by sessions.
  • Type of Product: Rate, voucher, or product.

This glossary should help clarify any uncertainties regarding the specific terms used within the Trainingym Payments module.