Guide for Initial Setup of the Trainingym Payments Module

Set up the basic aspects of the payment module so your clients can pay comfortably and enjoy all the services you provide.

With Trainingym Payments, you have the flexibility to choose how and where your clients will make their payments:

🎯 If you prefer your clients to make their payments easily through the App, it’s entirely possible! We have the safest payment gateway on the market.

🎯 If your clients opt to pay by card, transfer, or cash, you will be able to keep detailed control of outstanding payments and the methods of payment used.

What will we achieve through this tutorial?

  1. Payment Module Setup

    • General
    • Modules
    • Payments and taxes 🆕
    • Other options
  2. Communications

    • Notifications
    • General terms of contracting
    • Disable payment methods
  3. General Terms of Contracting

Let's start this journey together! 🤝

Payment Module Setup

To begin configuring this module, we will access the Settings section within the Payments menu in Trainingym Manager.

On this screen, we can configure the basic aspects of our payment module through 3 sections:


Click on the Expand tab to access the available configuration options.

Similarly, we can click on the Collapse tab to hide these options.

Let's look at the configuration options available:


  • Product Module: Activate this option to enable the "Products" section within the Payments menu. This way, we can configure the one-time payment and recurring payment products that we offer to our clientele.
  • Credits Module: Activate this option to enable the "Credits" section within the Payments menu. This way, we can configure the credit packs that our clients can purchase to enjoy the services we provide under this exchange method.

🚨 Important

If you deactivate the product module, an informational modal will appear to warn that the subscriptions and recurrences in force will be canceled. It will be necessary to confirm this modal to deactivate the product module.

Once we have decided which services our clients and potential clients will have access to, the next step is to determine which payment methods they will have available to acquire them.

Payments and Taxes

  • Manual Payments: Your clients will be able to make payments with the various options you configure. Activate this option to be able to configure the "manual" payment methods that your clientele can use.

Once the "Manual Payments" switch is activated, we can create the payment methods through which our clients can contract our products or credit packages. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on the "Add Payment Method" button.

  2. Complete the fields in the modal that will appear on the screen.
    • Name of the payment method.
    • Grace days: Determine how many days the client will have to make the manual payment. Our staff must validate that the payment has been made, updating the status of the transaction accordingly. The value (days) configured must be between 1 and 14 days.
    • Visibility: Through this field, we can determine the availability of the payment method we are creating. Here are the available options:
      • Only in the payment register for employees: Only our staff from Trainingym Manager will be able to register a payment using this payment method.
      • Only in the payment checkout for clients: Only our clients or potential clients will be able to use this payment method to make the purchase of one of our products through the app and/or web.
      • In the payment register for employees and checkout for clients: Both our staff and our clients and potential clients will be able to use this payment method in the purchase process.
      • Not visible: This payment method will remain hidden both for our staff and for our clients and potential clients.
  3. Description of the payment method: Through this field, we can include a text as a description of the payment method with relevant information for our clients and potential clients.
  4. Do not forget to save the changes for them to apply.

You can ✏️ Edit or 🗑️ Delete a payment method once created by clicking on the corresponding options.

🚨 Important

Grace days are not editable.

Once the manual payment methods have been created, they will be visible according to the configuration we have selected for each of them.

  • Stripe:

For our clients to make online payments through the app and/or web, linking with a Stripe account is necessary. We will click on the "Access Stripe" button to start creating our account.

Once our Stripe account is correctly linked in Manager, "bank card" will appear as a payment method in the dropdown when managing a subscription or a payment in Manager and on the app/web.

  • SEPA Direct Debit:

Once the Stripe account has been correctly configured, we can activate, if we wish, the SEPA direct debit as a payment method, which will mean that, in the selection of the payment method, both from Manager and from the app/web, the option "Bank Account" will appear.

  • Taxes:

Once the payment methods have been configured, decide if you want to apply taxes to your subscriptions. You will be able to add them and link them to your products and in the payment register.

Other Options

Through this section, we can configure the following options:

  • Require the purchase of a rate in the Easy web registration form: By activating this option, we are deciding that the contracting of a product is mandatory for anyone to complete the registration form on our website. Otherwise, the user will be able to register as a potential client in our fitness business.

  • Unsubscribe members when their membership expires: By activating this option, our clients will cause unsubscribe when their membership expires. The expiration date is calculated from the end of the subscription based on the grace days of the payment method used.

  • Allow reservations for members with a scheduled subscription: By activating this option, we allow clients who have a subscription in "Scheduled" status to make reservations from the same payment/register creation, without having to wait for the start date of the subscription.

  • Limit reservations to the validity period of subscriptions: By activating this option, members with active subscriptions will not be able to book activities scheduled outside the validity period of the same.

🚨 Important

The permission "Allow reservations for members with a scheduled subscription" only affects reservations made from the Easy web and app.

It will not be possible to make reservations from Manager to clients with scheduled subscriptions deducting the corresponding session/credits.


  • Customize the ID. Series for Payments and Refunds.
Customize the identifier for each of your clients' transactions (payments). Each time you edit the ID.Series, the transaction number counter will be reset.

  • Set Cancellation Period for Recurring Subscriptions.

If you configure this option, members will not be able to cancel a recurring subscription from the app or website within the specified days prior to the payment date.


From this same screen, you can configure some aspects of Payments communications.

  • Payments communication email: Email address to which your clients' claims and Payments notifications will arrive.
  • Informative text for returns: Informative message for users who want to make a claim for credits or capital.


Additionally, you can now receive email notifications related to new subscriptions, subscriptions in which the client has requested cancellation, or subscriptions that have expired.

We show you how:

  • New subscriber: If activated, an email will be sent each time the first purchase of a rate or voucher is made by a member.

  • Requested cancellation: If activated, an email will be sent each time a member cancels their contracted rate.

  • Expired subscription: If activated, an email will be sent when the expiration date of a rate or voucher of a member is reached.

🔖 Nota

These notifications will be sent to the email configured within the "Payments communication email" field.

The design of the emails may vary slightly depending on the mail server.

🚨 Important

It is essential to have a valid email account configured in My Center > Sender Email Account.

General Terms of Contracting

Through this section, we can edit the text relating to the general terms of contracting of our business.

By default, we provide standard legal text that we can use after editing and personalizing with the data of our company.


Customize the standard text of the general terms of contracting of your business by completing with company data the information available between brackets, for example, [Enter Here Your Fiscal Name].

These conditions can be consulted by our clients through our website and app.

In addition, these conditions must be expressly accepted by our clients to be able to purchase any of our products.

Before finalizing the configuration of your payment module, remember to save the changes by clicking on the 💾 Save button.

Disable Payment Methods

It is important to consider some considerations if we disable any of the payment methods that we have activated in our center, especially when there are recurring payment subscriptions (rates) linked to these payment methods.

Let's see one by one:

SEPA Direct Debit

If we have this payment method active in our center and we deactivate the corresponding switch, a warning modal will be displayed with the following message:

  • If we cancel, the switch will remain active.
  • If we confirm, the switch will be deactivated.
  • It will be necessary to save the configuration for the changes to apply.

  • The "bank account" method will no longer appear in the dropdown to select the payment method when acquiring or generating a subscription from Manager and/or app/web.


If we have a Stripe account linked in our sports center and we deactivate the "Stripe" switch, a warning modal will be displayed with the following message:

  • If we cancel, the switch will remain active.
  • If we confirm, the switch will be deactivated.
  • It will be necessary to save the configuration for the changes to apply.

  • If we save, the recurring payment subscriptions that have "bank card" and/or "bank account" (if we had SEPA Direct Debit active) as payment methods will pass to the "Requested Cancellation" state and will be canceled at the end of the current payment cycle.
  • The "bank card" option will disappear in the payment methods dropdown when generating or acquiring a subscription from Manager and/or app/web.

Manual Payment Methods

The "Payment Methods" switch, as detailed at the beginning of the tutorial, refers to "manual" payment methods not linked with Stripe in which there must be an interaction by the staff to verify that the payment has been made correctly and mark it as "Successful", in addition to being able to configure its visibility and the grace days of each one of them.

If we have "manual" payment methods configured in our center and we deactivate the "Payment Methods" switch, a warning modal will be displayed with the following message:

  • If we cancel, the switch will remain active.
  • If we confirm, the switch will be deactivated.
  • It will be necessary to save the configuration for the changes to apply.

  • If we save, the recurring payment subscriptions that have as payment methods those established in this section will pass to the "Requested Cancellation" state and will be canceled at the end of the current payment cycle.
  • The manual payment methods will disappear in the payment methods dropdown when generating or acquiring a subscription from Manager and/or app/web.

🚨 Important

If we deactivate the "Payment Methods" and "Stripe" switches, the "Subscriptions" section within the Payments menu will disappear.

To be able to consult the subscriptions in the "Requested Cancellation" state, we must access the "Payments" tab in the member's file.

📌 Attention

Deactivating the Payment Methods or Stripe switch will not cause the immediate cancellation of the subscriptions associated with these payment methods, but will cancel their renewal, both in Payments (where they will pass to the "Requested Cancellation" state) and in Stripe, where the cancellation date of such subscription will be reflected.